If you like table top books I highly recommend ‘A Year of Mornings’. Inspired by this photography book’s subject and approach, AND to celebrate not being sick every morning any more, I collected a week of morning pictures for this post
Saturday – This is THE shelf I see almost immediately after waking up. I patter out to the kitchen for a coffee or a strong chai tea.
Sunday – A sunny day started out right with crumpets and tea.
Monday – The week began anew and with another try at focusing on getting fit again. Hello my favourite running shoes and matching blazer!
Tuesday – Up early, with the rising sun. My home made bread sure looks inviting in this early light!
Wednesday – Back to school morning actually went very well. They had everything set up the night before, thanks to their enthusiasm and excitement. So we just enjoyed an early morning together before the bus arrived.
Thursday – Getting used to the other kids leaving so early, then a quiet house all day, has been hard on baby boy. There have been lots of morning snuggles.
Friday – Last day of morning pictures celebrated with a plain cake doughnut! They are my favourite!
Not every morning was cherished and peaceful, during this project, but even the busy ones where slowed down as I found a shot to take. I couldn’t ignore the warm soft light of morning and appreciate it.
Always Mac an Rothaich