Mom and Tot Get Away Camp!

I think my husband was really surprise I actually went through with this plan! I don’t think I would be called a ‘go getter’ in the area of planning big things with the kids. I like to keep things small, simple and well planned out. Deciding to take my boys (one still nursing) off to a camp (that I had never been to before) for the weekend was out of character… It just felt right so I went for it.I felt lead to do this for my oldest boy, for his relationship with me and I know it was RIGHT! We had been having our struggles lately and he was so out of sorts with me. My little gentleman wasn’t happy around me and I knew he needed some direct attention and time.We all realise girls are emotionally connected but I realized this weekend my boy is really aware of my emotional state. He knew I had been stressed with all the changes in life lately and so he was acting out. By the end of the weekend the puzzle came together. Words like ‘I hate it when you are mad.’ and ‘I don’t want to be mad but you are.’ hit home. I started explaining if I was disciplining him I wasn’t angry, just doing my job. If he could accept the discipline we could both move on. He is a practical boy and normally good natured so he was able to accept that and in no time we where having a blast together.

We had time to talk about why I have been busy and stressed lately and I told him I was sorry for being grumpy. We discussed that when parents are grumpy it doesn’t always mean he has been bad. It isn’t his job to fix it every time I am sad or stressed. He liked my suggestion about praying for mom and dad when we are stressed. “I can do that.” he said… and he was already off playing. He doesn’t need much but he does need that little bit to make it right. My little man is quick to forgive and I love that about his bright little heart!I also realized how much ‘mom chatter’ I have in my head ALL THE TIME! This weekend, with meals and jobs done for us, I was actually present in what ever I was doing. I ate when we where eating, I sat when we where sitting… no thinking about what next, what to do, what didn’t I do, what should I do and so on and so forth. This experience was such a blessing! Just to BE for a while was so sweet!


3 Comments on "Mom and Tot Get Away Camp!"

  1. Carolyn says:

    That is so neat that you guys did that together. Good for you. I’m sure this will be a great memory for him.

  2. nanny says:

    Good for you. I am proud of you all the time but you often are so good at dealing with your children that I am very impressed. What a treat to be fed and entertained. Hope Garnet and the girls had a great weekend too. Love you MOM/Nanny

  3. Chris says:

    Sounds glorious… and much needed. Glad you got some boy time in this weekend.

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