If You Give A Two Year Old A Cookie!

If you give a two year old a cookie,
or half a donut,
or a liquorish,
you hope she will wake up and follow you to school with out screaming.
You rub the treat under her nose to wake her up to go BEFORE YOU ARE LATE AGAIN and you coo to her about putting her shoes on then getting the treat BEFORE YOU ARE LATE AGAIN and you hand it to her and take her hand, whisking her out the door BEFORE YOU ARE LATE AGAIN…

If you give a two year old a cookie,
or half a donut,
or a liquorish,
you just might make it on time but don’t sweat it if she screams all the way home about being thirsty and wanting another said cookie, donut or liquorish.

With my head down in shame
I confess this is where I am at
in order to make it through another school day…


3 Comments on "If You Give A Two Year Old A Cookie!"

  1. Mirelle says:

    lol! I say what ever works and gets you through the day as painlessly as possible.

  2. Berry Girl says:

    hahaha! I have never been above bribing my kids. Ever. 🙂

  3. I became a bigger briber with each kid. Is that why our kids get more spoiled the younger down the line they are? A Mama will do almost anything to keep the peace.

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