
pack up the babies once the big kids are off to school and stop at Home Depot for stuff for your man…
and then pack them into the van and out again just across the street and down a bit to hit a clothing store to get same man’s favorite laces…
and then pack them up and out again to hit costco, and push a cart with both kids, that is too heavy for you and keeps getting the tire stuck…
then pack them up again and head home for a quick lunch and nap… then skip nap while they are sleeping so you can clean up the house…
then pick up the other two kids and hit the grocery store just before supper…
then bag your supper so you can go to a ladies evening…
then let your man talk you into staying up till one…

put a limit on how much you will do in one day…

Cuz the next day will be a waste due to you and the babies needing to recuperate and your back will be killing you all day!

Just some wisdom I thought I should pass on… not that I practice what I preach in this regard, ha ha ha!


3 Comments on "Don’t"

  1. e-Mom says:

    LOL, thanks for passing on your wisdom. You are one busy Mama. :~D

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. e says:

    wow! costco AND the grocery store in the same day!?! you’re a brave mama!

    it’s good that you were able to have a day of rest after all that!

  3. Jenna says:

    its true. u do much in one day, the next day is shot. i learn this lesson over and over and over…

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