Scratch a dog and you’ll find a permanent job. ~Franklin P. Jones
IT is as if the author of the above quote has meet Riddick! I have quickly noticed that non dog lovers find him very tiresome. This boy will stick to you like glue, rub up against you and paw your lap if you have made even the slightest move to give him a scratch.
He adores a good rub down and so is very patient with bath time. He has even fallen over in the tub because he leans into my hand as I am scratching and rubbing him clean.
It took no time at all for the kids to find his ‘sweet spot’. Auntie Karla (a long time dog owner) filled us in on the fact that most dogs have a ‘spot’ that brings them great joy when you find and give it a good scratch. A little to the side, just under his collar, closer to his back and voila you have a happy little man that will turn his head to the side, lean in toward you and thump, yes thump. He looks just like Thumper from the Bambi film when you find and scratch his ‘spot’ just right.
So if you don’t like dogs much beware, he will wear out his welcome and has little sense of personal space. He will let you rub and pat and scratch till your arm falls off. Don’t TOUCH him if you can’t love him:) AND that leads right into my next quote:
Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend. ~Corey Ford
So true.