The Little Moments, My Freedom and Being Eccentric!

(Little Woman wanted to see if our stockings would make good hats…)

‘Little Woman’ insisted on staying up way to late tonight… and Garnet and I let her because we where feeling relaxed and just wanted to snuggle up with a good movie… we knew she, of all our children, is the only one who could possess the ability to be quiet and still. So she got the big couch while we had our snuggle and our good movie on the love seat… when the movie ended (most of it having gone over her head) she informed me ‘Mama, I am now going to my room and my bed.’ I smiled and said ‘Alright, give a kiss chick-y.’ She giggled and we bent toward one another and my kiss caught her on the nose instead of the mouth. She gave me a funny look and laughed at me ‘You missed.’ I replied ‘Silly silly!’ and off she ran to bed.

Just looking for moments…

I adore it when I find enough self control to really notice the now and the moment… I believe it has become a passion of mine. When my will power is strong enough to really grab hold of it I truly feel like I am living and not just sleep walking.

Once I grab hold I feel my emotions so intensely it is almost over powering… so I write about it and once the words have settled down upon the page, the over powering emotions become just right and they settle down again into my heart, forever remembered.

It is in those nows that I find my freedom… the random moments when I could respond as I always do or embrace my limitless opportunity. When my child asks for a hug I could tell her I am too busy, I could quickly hug her or I could surprise her with bear hug, direct eye contact and a dance around the living room!

Eccentric…deviating from the recognized or customary character, practice.

As a child I told everyone when I grew up I wanted to be eccentric and all I really meant was aware of my freedom from the silly social expectations, thus happy! As a teen I refused to respect the rules and social customs of my peers because they didn’t respect me and so why would I respect their cruel rules? As an adult I don’t really dream about big places or fancy things… I find my adventure in the next ordinary opportunity…

Some how this passion for life makes me feel light as a feather and full to bursting all at the same time!


One Comment on "The Little Moments, My Freedom and Being Eccentric!"

  1. e says:

    i love you, becky.

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