A Refreshing Reminder

A double date with my guy’s brother and wife. She is a dear sister of mine and so it was like going out with great friends as well as close family. We watched a silly movie… tense enough to excuse my snuggling up to my guy. We enjoyed a late evening meal at a very fashionable lounge. We all returned home to our babies and thanked the grandparents who watched both families worth of kids! Couldn’t have done it without them!

Today, watched our wedding video, first time in a long time. Garnet and I gave one another mushy looks and chuckled at the younger, perhaps sillier, versions of ourselves. I practically roared with laughter at my oldest son’s horror when the big kiss was played out on DVD. I had to elbow him after he exclaimed ‘Awe! You guys KISSED??!!’ Apparently he hasn’t been to enough weddings.

The date was enjoyable and a refreshing break. The family movie was a good reminder. The weekend was a touch of love and romance… I hope to be mushier with my man as the week goes on and not stop to appreciate our gift of love on Valentines day alone…,but, for those of us who are well advanced in our marriages and well aged by our maturing love, that goes without saying!


One Comment on "A Refreshing Reminder"

  1. Mirelle says:

    We really enjoyed our time with you guys too! It has been way to many years since we have all gone out together!

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