Cooking Shows and Baby Boy

Each child is so unique you connect with them in such different ways. It is a wonderful surprise when you seek and find one of these connections.
My one year old surprised me when he climbed up on my lap as I watched a cooking show. He happily watched two cooking programs with me.
Siting perfectly still I almost didn’t notice my little lap warmer until he would point at the screen and go ‘Mmmmm!’ or ‘Ohhh wazzat?’
All the other kids could really care less about my cooking fetish but I might have a kindred spirit in this area in my Baby Boy.


2 Comments on "Cooking Shows and Baby Boy"

  1. Jenn L says:

    oh that’s sooo cute!

  2. Kim says:

    My boys love watching my daily cooking show with me as well, and are constantly asking, “What’s she making? Do we have all the ingredients to make that?!” They love to “help” in the kitchen 🙂

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