Not the throw it around kind but the battle for the stomach and future health of my child kind!
We have implemented a contraband on all carbs into our home… correction, all simple carbohydrates, starches really.
This is a serious intervention on behalf of our youngest. Baby Boy is a bread addict. He would eat nothing but starch foods all day. Don’t even get me started on crackers… he is a nut for crackers! If he even sees someone having one or spots a box of them he freaks out, yelling for one. With all this junk easy at hand he often gets what he wants and I have noticed his sleep, mood and diet have suffered greatly as a result. Time to step in!
For the last two days we have all had to go without for his sake. It has been tough. At first he thought he would win and just not eat but today he realised he was hungry and finally tried some of the protein and veggie items I was setting before him. THIS IS HUGE, he usually flatly refuses to even try none starch items! Anyone who has had a one year old knows you can’t make them eat stuff by force but you can take away all they want till they have to eat what remains (the good stuff). I am hopeful this will continue to go well. Watching him down the scrambled eggs lased with veggies tonight made me enthusiastic about a healthier well rounded diet future for my boy.
P.s. You should have seen the sad faces at the table last night when I informed them all they would be eating their stew without crackers in support of our cracker addict.
Too funny, the last part made me laugh out loud. I could just see their faces.
Keep up the fight Dear. You will win the battles eventually, just be prepared for a struggle. You have very determined children but keep saying “I am the MOM. I am right.” and eat crackers outside the home and at night. Love you MOM/Nanny