Won It So Read It

I discovered a new blog, I often do as I am a habitual blog surfer. Randomly entered a contest on before mentioned blog and actually won! Won a book no less! I needed a new read because I had burned through my latest historical fiction read and had no budget to purchase another this month. Yay for Simple Mom’s site!

It was interesting to me that the book I should win was titled ‘the reluctant entertainer’. I had just recently realised, after compiling many comments coming with in ear shot, that many many people wish they where thought of and invited over and so many people ESPECIALLY in the church feel lonely. I really enjoy to be hospitable but one can never learn enough about wise domesticity! I have started to read it, and perhaps it can encourage you too, check it out!

To get a friend you must be a friend… it might not be what we want to hear when lonely but to be shown hospitality you must be hospitable. Some one has to start, someone has to take the time first, make the effort first and reap the rewards of giving first!

On a side note, I am pleased as punch (think my m.i.l. taught me that witty saying) to show you my little side table solution! Those two square baskets with a few books I am often dipping my fingers into are my make shift solution to not owning any side tables for the living room! I find it such a cute little solution I will be all the more picky about an actually set of side tables. Perhaps I will just buy a few more square baskets! Oh and more books! Yeah that is a legitimate reason to buy more books!

On a second side note, this post is also tagged ‘the pet’ so I must post another picture of my fox terrier. He is still so new to our family that he will often stand next to me as I type away on my computer and I can tell he is wondering what I am so intent on and why it isn’t him? He will get used to me and my click-y pass time. He just yawned at me and went to his doggy bed. It is being baked in a sunbeam and I can tell he is far more comfortable there then standing near me and my laptop.


2 Comments on "Won It So Read It"

  1. Kim says:

    I thought that book sounded great and entered – how cool that you won! Can I borrow it from you sometime? Also, I love your side table. I’d be hesitant to do such a thing in my house…your kids must be a little more tame than mine 😉

  2. Kim, for sure you can! Hopefully I will have time to get through it fast enough:) My Mom would answer your statement about my kids with ‘ no she’s just a meaner mom’ (wink). Some of my kids are older and between me and my oldest two we are pretty good at keeping the youngest ones in line! Thanks so much for commenting.

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.