Gorgeous Rest (six)

I sat with a cup of tea, reading. My youngest two sat on the floor playing calmly.

With great joy exclaimed aloud Little Woman popped up like a jack in the box and ran for the window. A large flock of birds had taken flight. Wee little birds where they, and adorable, as they danced around the berries on our neighbors tree. Baby Boy soon followed her, stunned a bit, as I was, by her interruption of our afternoon repose. Pointing, ooohs and aaahs followed the interruption. As the birds settled my babies drew their attention to the hoarfrost that had coated everything outside. Little Woman saw so many shapes in the frost and wanted to tell me about them all. On went the chatter until she was distracted by her hands and Baby Boy by his toy car. They slid down the couch and again embraced the idea of a repose. I returned to my tea and thought about how I would record this lovely moment because it was, in fact, just so lovely!

Repose, temporary rest from activity, excitement, or exertion. This is the way my afternoons often are, just before the oldest two burst in the door from school and shatter any hopes of such a quiet atmosphere reoccurring until well after bed time. As a new mom I found all the repose hard to take at times but with four children of varied ages I now cherish it and realise it is temporary oh so temporary. I want to enjoy it enough that I am not desperately disappointed when it is shattered too quickly for my taste. I want to savor repose and not waste a moment.

I am keenly aware of the value in still times, quiet times, times of rest today and so I am very thankful for repose. It is a gift in a hectic world to be at rest. Thank you Jesus for times of rest in my life! May I always make use of them.


One Comment on "Gorgeous Rest (six)"

  1. I love kids enthusiasm for nature! And, like most other mothers of young children, I love a bit of rest as well.

    I hope you won’t mind me sayign so, but it’s actually called “hoar” frost…not quite as scary as it sounds. 🙂

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