Childhood (eight)

I was trying to get a nap in after a very busy weekend when I opened one eye and spotted you fishing from the couch. Totally in another world, your world, you where very determined and dedicated. Apparently the blue paper fish was a real fighter for you struggled and complained ‘Come on, come on!’ as you reeled it in. The fish appeared to be crying as you took it off so you smiled at it put it back on the string and returned it to the water. This game went on and on and you where oblivious to my gaze so I had time to find the camera and snap away. Many of the pictures captured your concentrated pucker expression that I love and all caught a piece of this little moment of beautiful childs play.

I have the chance to watch you grow and to enjoy being part of the world of a child again thanks to you. Thank you Jesus that my kids have had many years to just be kids!


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