Going to a gardening show with my eldest child’s class reminded me it was time to wait and watch for spring. Time has been flying this year and I actually missed the brooding months of winter because I was simply to busy for it, BUT I do adore spring and so I am excited to feel its approach. Winter appears to still have a steal grip on the land when you look at all our ice and snow but my morning jog is graced with the presence of an earlier sun and the kids complain of too much light at bed time… all this is a grand sign of springs inevitability!
Winters end makes me reminisce and examine my own history. I am a mother of four. I am a wife, have been for almost eleven years now. I am a Christian, and have been for about 15 years. Have I grown up? Perhaps…
I am certain that I have grown and the learning curve of life has often spiked straight up. A heart willing and fearless about growing helps the climb go smoother and quicker. Different climbs have been far more straining on my body and others on my mind and even others still, on my heart. It is good to look back long enough to see where we began and how far we have come… and I used to think it was essential to then look ahead with big dreams, to grind my teeth with determination and walk with stubbornness… but lately I am better at enjoying the climb, where I am at, and that is largely because this growth is happening without me…
Spring is change, growth, rebirth and that is in the now of our lives. It is beautiful, delicate and oh so short. The return of spring reminds me to live today. I have and am surrendering dreams and finding better… I have and am embracing my shortcomings and finding strengths in their place… I am learning all the time what love is, what wisdom is and I am blessed. I feel freedom in my heart more then ever before and I believe that is a true sign of growth!
I thank God for spring, and more then that I am thankful for each and every day for growth, for NOW in Christ.