Buzzing, the buzzing of an electric razor is coming from my washroom. Husband is cleaning up his beard for the family dinner tonight; Good Friday will be marked by a dinner with his side of the family. Husband dear has a beard for my sake. We found a funny little compromise, if you will. He likes long hair on me (much more then I do) and I like thick beards on men so he is growing his beard out for the first time in our marriage and I am growing my hair out again. I have a big goofy grin on my face as I type this… I find it all too cute… this is a cute example of compromise in a marriage. It is sweet really… so sweet every time I look at his beard I feel romantically toward him.
Compromise in a marriage isn’t always this easy to figure out… not always this sweet to embrace… both partners aren’t always so willing to bend… and yet bend we must. The other day my husband hugged me and then said ‘Love isn’t love until you have to do the hard work. It isn’t a feeling, it is a devotion and determination when the promise of marriage is tough to keep,’ (or said something to that effect).
Marriage is, indeed, a promise not made because of a feeling, we all know IF WE ARE HONEST how very fleeting feelings are. It is a promise made to remember when we want to quit based on feelings… the promise remains when we don’t want to bend and work with our spouse anymore… it is there to make us remember this marriage isn’t for us or just about us but for and about our spouse and our children and our community.
I think I will wear my hair down, for dinner tonight, and put a flower clip in it… because he likes it that way.
So cute you two! And very true, love is a choice of the will not based of feelings that can come and go. Very wise.