Is Commitment Obsolete? (Marriage Monday)

(My man and I reading together on the patio.)


I can’t tell you how commitment in marriage is doing all over the world but I notice what the media touts in our part of the world. The perception here is that it is indeed dead or near death, obsolete, or at least on its way out, and yet our media ITSELF wrestles with this idea… Our popular culture would like to say commitment isn’t important and isn’t relevant today but why would they be so horrified and blow so many horns when ever some one new fails at marriage?

Lets be practical… as long as people are being wrecked and broken thanks to failing marriages commitment is still important and for our own good.

I can never judge a couple who sticks it out despite all the odds or all the sins that can be brought into marriage and also I do not judge those couples who suffer a death of marriage… Even divorce does not make commitment obsolete but makes it more clearly valuable. The brokenness makes the whole so much more valuable… the dark makes the light all the more obvious and glorious… the suffering makes the victory so much sweeter.

Truth doesn’t die no matter how powerful and nasty the lie becomes and COMMITMENT is what makes marriage true.

First Monday of every month at Chrysalis


3 Comments on "Is Commitment Obsolete? (Marriage Monday)"

  1. e-Mom says:

    Awesome post Mac an Rothaich! You preach it. Love your attitude, and the sunny spot on your patio for you and your DH to read together.

    Thanks for linking up at Chrysalis!

    Hugs, e-Mom

  2. garnet says:

    Hey Love… very profound… divorce doesn’t erode the importance of commitment, divorce (in a matter of speaking) is and always has been the reason for commitment.

    The darkness does not diminish the importance of light, it is the very reason why light is so important, because without it, you have darkness.

  3. Faith says:

    awesome post!! love the darkness, light thing you said…well said!

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