And as the tests and the visits to doctors and health care workers of every kind increase I remain insecure as in the definition, listed above, to a tee. Been wondering why the flood of emotions about everything comes only when I am attending yet another test or appointment and then I realised I was feeling exactly that, insecure. Not sure if they will find anything, not sure if it is worth it and not sure I like feeling like a SICK person. Not sure how I am too feel or handle all this… stressing on this as I contemplate others in my family, who have faced worse, how they have and would handle it ‘better’ then me.
Flipped out a couple times and not with the expected ‘why me’ moments, but with a sense of ‘WHAT THE’… insecurity… in the system, in my self… in those who love me… Is it right? Is it wrong of me? Is it anyone elses place to answer that question for me?
Going through a learning curve here and meeting some parts of me that perhaps only having two mysterious health conditions could bring forth for examination. I do know I was getting depressed about it all. It took the beautiful words of two Christian musicians to hug, not snap, me out of it. Like a comforting embrace I was flooded with encouragement that no matter how far down I go, even behavioral wise, I am unconditionally love by my Jesus… flooded with encouragement in being not alone, being understood and being allowed to deal with this as it comes… I came home today feeling indeed loved despite all my physical and emotional wrinkles and issues of late.
I have hope in the beauty I see in other un-whole people I see around me, for this is not so unique as we all would like to believe, beauty that was a refining of character in Christ. I too can attain this beauty in adversity, as they did. I can shine as they do and bless as they bless me… and hang on for now to my Jesus, coping with this new twist in a life of twists… a life that will always have its issues because this is earth… not heaven…
… Are any of us really whole in this life?