Chasing Woodpeckers, Getting Told off By Starlings and Chatting with Chickadees

Woodpeckers are cute but destructively infatuated with cedar siding.  On any given day any one of us will be seen, and probably heard, running out to yell and scare off these bug eating hole making birds.  I wish I had some deep metaphor to use the woodpeckers in and perhaps a way they are helping grow me into a better person… I got nothing though…

My eight year old daughter was chatting with the chickadees the other morning.  We have realised with the arrival of winter they have made their home in the same tree that the very cross starlings enjoyed all summer.  This tree is right out our front door.  So the side walk was covered in proof of life all summer while the starlings raised their young and continually told us off whenever we left the house.  We chuckled at their bad attitude all summer, it was like having the grumpiest but most harmless neighbors ever.  Now we have fat friendly little chickadees greeting us with the promise that if we share some good eats this cold season that they will be our happy little buddies. “Oh I just love my fat little baby birds,” exclaims my girl every time she sees another chickadee.

In the back yard this summer the mourning doves were impossible to miss by day and the owls by night.  The doves flew over us over and over again as we enjoyed activity outdoors, all the time cooing to one and all about love and life.  Boldly they allowed us to easily watch them as they were never very far away.  The doves are gone now and I hope to welcome them back next spring.

And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest;

~Psalm 55:6~ (ESV)

The owls were the first birds to greet us when we arrived in Vonda.  Our very first evening we could hear at least two just down from the house and then later in the night right across the street in a tree.  They nobly called out, both friendly and impressively intelligent at the same time.  I fear for any mouse in our neighborhood.

I have to also mention the amazing amount of prairie falcons we saw this year when driving down the rougher country roads.  So perfectly in control while in flight, such fierce and sweet big eyes.  I am won over by their beauty.

Although winter has arrived we have had cooler than normal temperatures so the snow is not very abundant.  MosIMG_20141120_125102_1t of what I like about winter involves snow thus I am eagerly waiting its arrival.  In the mean time I wonder what I can do for my friends the birds who stay all winter?  What can I do that will not draw the neighborhood cats?


I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.

~Psalm 50:11~ (ESV)


Always Lady Mac an Rothaich

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