Extrovert In Me?

Can being less busy actually make you more extroverted?  Can being bombarded with busyness make one an introvert?  Moving has been a literal step back for me.  Settling meant all the stuff keeping me busy before has had to take a back seat. Moving away from the city means all the ways city life is good at keeping one busy is now optional for me.  I don’t have to face it day after day and I can be more myself without fighting to be myself.  I am happily in no hurry to take up the rush again, to join the flow of DOING and GOING.  I am totally okay with being ordinary and with my kids just slowly frittering away the summer. I am a townie and living in a town has made me feel more like ME again!

Before I left the city I took to exploring my community in a more down to earth kinda way.  I travelled the back alleys intentionally and found a place less controlled, a place quieter then the streets and avenues… it was almost like nature in the midst of the urban.  IMG_20140113_133036_1IMG_20140116_125702_1IMG_20140116_125110_1IMG_20140116_130155_1

There, in the alleys,  I could be by myself, not excluding Riddick though ( my smooth fox terrier) as he is the strong silent type one can always have around.  I found there more and more beauty because of the break they offered me and the wild nature they enjoyed in secret.  To help my strained little soul I began to collect photos of my alleys and I began to be happier in the back lanes then I was in the public areas of my neighbourhood.


I am thankful for our time as city dwellers as I see my Lord had purpose in it as he works purpose in every stage of life.  I can’t declare that another city will not one day be home for us again, but I am glad to have a break from an expectation I couldn’t keep up with.  I no longer feel like so much of an introvert because I can now go and be increasingly social around town without being taxed by a rushed culture; my senses can keep up and my blood pressure can stay down.IMG_20140110_122055_2

Always Lady Mac an Rothaich


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