Super Me

They tell us the first five years are the most important.  We’ve got five years to help our babies connect as many of the neurons in their little brains as possible.  As usual, a lot of what they say could invite a good dose of panic into parenting… do we all need to be superheroes?

My youngest boy is a superhero, a different one every day.  Ironman came to breakfast and Flash dashed by before lunch.  Hulk was mad when I asked him to get dressed and Optimus Prime yelled orders from the sled as I took him and the dog for their walk.  Mr Incredible went to bed tonight, in his regular fashion, a few tears and a debate about which bed was his…but he eventually went.

I think Mommy’s are heroes without even trying.  I DO NOT find the wealth of information and opinions we have bombarding us, on the subject of mothering, helpful…

…there, I said it…

I find myself sighing when new ideas are thrown my way, especially if they are stamped with stress and YOU GOTTA DO IT THIS WAY.  Most of the time I find myself ignoring the new trends, technology, gadgets and even science that is marketed to moms.  Call me old school but going to the tried and true ‘phone call to MY mom’ for my rescues is good enough for me.  Yes I need rescues, we all have days when we feel we haven’t got a clue…but I don’t think searches on the internet help; googles’ fifty billion links to sites devoted to keeping mommy’s head spinning solve nothing!

Families, I am talking your IMMEDIATE family here, are complex and very unique unto themselves.  The more babies they collect the more personalities are thrown in to really mix it up.  How can you have a road map for people who are growing up?!  They aren’t there yet, nothing is definite, even for mommy and daddy. I looked in the mirror the other day and realised I am not the same woman who brought home baby number one!  Or the woman who brought home two and three either…  She was a supermom.  “If I knew then what I know now…”, I wouldn’t have gotten to be her…  Considering how little she knew she surfed some serious waves and grew threw it!  How can we really know these families if we aren’t living right in their mess (love mess that is)?  How can we be so quick to judge and (here it comes, another nasty word) INFORM them!  Ignorance is bliss?!!

Input can make ones blood pressure go up or gut twist into that gnawing place of mommy doubt…  but only if we take it on.  My mommy role is no exception to the other parts of who I am, secure!  Secure in knowing I need not live and parent based on fear or a pressure to perform, secure in knowing it shouldn’t really matter what others think about who I am.  This bravery doesn’t come from myself, my supermommy strength need not be summoned from with in my average human gut… I am trusting not in my own strength but on the foundation of my life and my families life, Christ Jesus.

”So we say with confidence, ‘the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?'” ~Hebrews 13:6~(NIV)

“Do not let all kinds of strange teachings lead you into the wrong way.  Your hearts should be strengthened by God’s grace…” ~Hebrews 13 : 9~ (NCV)

Mommy rant done for today 🙂

P.S.  My four year old son picked out the supergirl shirt I am wearing at the top of this post.  When I wear it he always says “Awesomer shirt mommy”!


Always Lady Mac an Rothaich


One Comment on "Super Me"

  1. Munro, Robin says:

    I loved this article. You are a great writer my dear daughter. You really do say things in the niftiest way and make your point well. You and your brothers are all that way. Able to clearly state a point, I mean. You are also a great “super” Mom. Love you so much. Your Mom.

Considerate and polite comments are always welcomed.