Archive for December, 2016
Walking on Painfully Aware
The Poodle
“Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions,
they pass no criticisms.” ~ George Elliot
Pets can be the best balm for a hurting heart.
Consider this my formal blog announcement that we did add a third furry friend to the family this year. Her name is Persephone and we adopted her this summer past. She is the exact dog I have always called my dream dog… well, if my dream dog had been put in the dryer too long. She is a purebred miniature black poodle. I have always wanted a standard poodle for bird hunting but this little lady will do just fine in every other pet aspect as I plan to explain further.
‘You are Loved’ seems just right…
“I thought I could describe a state; make a map of sorrow. Sorrow, however, turns out to be not a state but a process.”
~C.S. Lewis (A Grief Observed)
Even when you have mourned the death of a loved one before the whole processes is very confusing for you. Each and every individual person who dies leaves a unfillable hole in your life… their being and mass once took that space up and it will never really be filled again in this life. Mourning will appear familiar and completely new with each unique person you say farewell too. It can be hard to know what to say to someone who is dealing with death front and center, but perhaps it helps to know it is very foggy for them too.