Archive for August, 2010

Chicken Pox

I had been hoping for a real slow pace till school starts up again, you know, lots of lazy days around the house, just the kids and I… sprinkler fun and lots of sun… didn’t think I would get my wish in such a way!

Three down and one to go…well maybe one to go… doc thinks Baby Boy might have had it already and it was just a mild fever and a few spots. Amazing that we didn’t get a for sure diagnosis till it was almost over. My oldest had it first and was so mild she didn’t feel off, just had a couple spots. It was over in a few days. Some where in there my youngest may have had it but we will have to see. My middle two showed signs yesterday and are already on their way to the scab stage (which is when they are no longer contagious). I am thanking the Lord for such mild cases and it happening before school started up again.

Once someone is infected, the virus usually incubates for 14 to 16 days before a rash appears, although incubation can last from 10 days to 21 days. There are no symptoms during incubation and a person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before symptoms appear. The person remains contagious until all the blisters have dried and scabs have formed.


Northern Snap Shots (PART ONE The Family Acerage)

In the land of lakes, trees and bedrock we spent our time following our noses. Everyone seems to go at a slower pace where my folks are from and it took an adjustment for me but it was exactly what I needed. This was a slow week of doing what ever we felt like at the time.The first morning there was a perfect illustration of how my week went. Baby Boy slept in and so I did as well. I awoke very late and realised the house was very quiet. In my pajamas I walked out to the kitchen and although I could hear chatter and giggles I could find no one around. I went to the big bay window in my parents living room and glancing out at the garden I saw a bit of white amidst Nanny’s berry bushes. Then I noticed some little blond heads and heard my Dad talking with Little Woman. All three of the oldest where out with their grandparents picking berries for their breakfast. They where still in their pjs. It was a quiet, fresh morning and I remember sighing and thinking ‘this will be a break after all’.

Some snap shots of my folks yard (mostly a reflection of all their hard work).

A farm built with sweat and love. Carved amidst the bedrock, wrestled out of the forest and settled with expectation (expectation of years of hard work and years of memories). A place for all of the children and grandchildren to go and relax, feel blessed and most of all feel that northern blood well up inside;) This is my first home!


Patience and A Trip North

(Just me and my four babies on a big northern adventure!)

If parenting isn’t the perfect opportunity to learn more patience then I don’t know what is. I feel like I am always choosing to be patient or to wig out but every now and then there is a chance to step into an obvious opportunity to practice patience. It looks big and can either be a disaster or a victory. Heading north to my folks for a week with out my man was such an opportunity. Four kids, one mommy. Now I am no fool so I went at this challenge with some help. I had a plan and I wasn’t afraid to stack the odds more in my favor (as apposed to anarchy’s favor). My beast van (I call it that because it is large) was newly equipped with a DVD player. I had a cooler full of snacks and each child had a lap table to color on, books and a back pack of toys.

Even so… patience was required and I decided early on I was going to have to just pace myself, slow down and embrace kid speed. Good thing I was realistic! A six hour road trip turned into almost a nine hour one.

The kids found every reason possible, and invented some too I am sure, to pull the van over. We had potty breaks, snack breaks, emotional break downs… put a new movie in breaks, restart said movie breaks, I don’t like movie and have changed my mind breaks… On one such occasion my oldest was standing next to the van with me. This stop was hard for me, we had barely started driving after the last one and where only minutes from a city and could have stop some where nicer once there. She looked at me and with a big smile said ‘Traveling is exciting!’ Shucks, that makes it worth while! She is having a good time, they all are… so I should too… so I did.

We stopped a few times just to let the kids run. I invented some relay games and got them running so many laps they where more then happy to get back in the van. We ate our fill of cheese strings, peanuts, yogurt tubes and triple chocolate chip cookies. They watched and I listened to a couple movies and I even got to listen to some of my favorite road tunes: TFK, Toby Mac, Jill Barber and Mikey Bubbles (Guess who that is!? My man gave him that nickname) among others.It was all worth it. When we arrived at my parents acreage in the valley, surrounded by trees and bedrock I wasn’t even over whelmed. We where excited and in good spirits. All of us where thinking about beach days and lazy afternoons, fresh air and adventure.Everyone cautions you about asking for more patience but the fact is you are a happier person once you accept the gift it holds.


Life Is An Adventure

Those are my feet in the sand…
that can only mean one thing, VACATION TIME!

I have been on vacation and loving it so I shall be back a.s.a.p. with a post on my newest monthly hymn, maybe some stories from my vacation, something about turning ’30’ I believe… and more.TTFN