Archive for October, 2009

I Am!

Even when you cry I am
Even in your joy I am

I thought I was going a little nutty today. I was convinced the same song was playing over and over on the local Christian station today… every third song was the same… then I thought I would go nuts because I had listened to it so many times today while driving in my van…. so I changed the station….

I am the Spirit deep with in you
I am the Word upon your heart

Tonight I was driving across the city alone and out of habit turned the above mentioned station on again. I chuckled as I recalled that mornings irritation. I wondered if there perhaps was something in said song for me and that is why I kept hearing it, I know, I assume to much and this all sounds very much like ‘the world revolves around me’ talk… but…Sure enough the third song was THE song and so I tried to relax and just listen.

It was basics of Christianity. The song was a call to again embrace my first love.

the fount of living waters
the risen son of man
the healer of the broken
and when you cry I am
your savior and redeemer
of all the sins of man
the author and perfecter
beginning and the end

I have had many years in a row of being tired… tired in my faith… not being nearly as passionate as I once was… The song reminded me that I might have lost my luster but He is still ‘I Am’. No matter how I change as I am molded by life and my Lord he will still be ‘I Am’ and I was so thankful to hear that.

The song reminded me of all the reasons I love Him, why He is my first love… the reasons are all that HE IS, and WAS and ALWAYS WILL BE!



He Says Love

…with a cup of tea!Another long day. Both of us are tired and are still left with a feeling of not enough time in the day. We manage to get the kids all to bed and the first thing he wants to do is have tea with me.

Years ago when my man was gone for twelve hour days the tea time became a necessary habit, otherwise we didn’t slow down enough to talk. Back then we would both force ourselves to awake a little later just for the tea and conversation.

Now a days we have more time together and yet we still return to that nightly ritual. It is silent till he ask me what type of tea I would like. He knows what I like in my specific teas. Lots of cream if it is a black tea and no sugar. No cream and a touch of honey if it is a fruit herbal. Nothing if it is a green or mint tea. We hit the couch and automatically start sharing.

It is so easy to listen and love with a cup of tea in hand. It is so easy to love a man who will share a cup of tea and conversation with you. Same place and time tomorrow my love??


At Play

God is good, all the time.
All the time, God is good.(Baby Boy at play with the fall leaves!)

I find it easy to be to burdened by the worries of this life. I get busy, so so busy, and before I know it I am overwhelmed. For all my busyness I am no further ahead. I am behind in that I am moody and upset at shortcomings, failures, not enough time and not enough strength to make use of what I get. When my head is spinning in to do lists I have a hard time counting blessings. I am so afraid that if I just trust and find contentment then nothing will happen and no one will realise how important all these things are to me… I am supposed to run an orderly home and when it isn’t up to snuff (my snuff) I don’t want to stop and be still and know that he is God…

I, I, I…

I just want to play as they do… engaged in the now and content to just be where they are in time…

(Little Woman at play this summer!)

P.S. A well put post that made me calm down about what I can accomplish and what I can not!