All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

Does AnyBody Luv Me

The headache I awoke with today is nothing compared to the collection of stuff that hit me last night so I pulled myself together and I am having a lovely day… it is lovely because I am loved.

It had been a busy busy day of babysitting and cleaning house…
The evening only got better thanks to the dog having his first uh oh in the house…it was bad and I need not say more…although I could…
It was our fault because the kids got busy with friends and forgot to take him out after school and I didn’t notice because I was making supper…
Baby Boy decided to argue with Daddy and I for hours about sleeping in his big boy bed… he likes it but he likes being able to get out of his room more…
Seeing the argument was going no where fast I rushed out to get some jobs done…completely fruitless shopping trip and came home frustrated at my lack of finds…
When I returned home frustrated that is when I found the doggy uh oh…

After cleaning up much mess and finally getting everyone to bed it was only ten. My sweet husband was hoping we would have our cup of tea and have a much needed at home date night, watching our fav tv programme together… I just wanted to go to bed… and he let me… and he came later after shutting down the house for me and hugged me tight for a while… and I am loved. I needed his selfish act more then I needed a date night… I needed some extra sleep…

Oh so often when I am the prickliest and most uninviting that is when I need a hug the most…

A rough day is no match for the timely arrival of a long embrace from the man I love…


The Return of the Ballerina

(Little Woman happily showing off her new pink ballerina outfit and her freshly painted pink toes.)

JUST when I thought I was going to have to say good bye to the ballerina presence in our home, both my daughters love for this art reemerged. No, we don’t have them in lessons or have any grand ideas of them becoming prima ballerinas… of course they will always be OUR prima ballerinas and that is enough… But there was a time when other little girls where into dolls about snobbery and young singers with no real life experience and I had sighed with great relief that my girls enjoyed ballerinas. It seems such a beautifully feminine play time pass time for a little girl.

We watched ‘Angelina Ballerina’ together, ’12 Dancing Princesses’ got all 3 of us up and fluttering about. I decorated their room with paintings of beautiful dancers… and then Big Girl appeared to grow out of this stage right around the time she grew out of her adorable dancing outfit that had been give to her by her Grams. With no enthusiastic example, Little Woman’s interest petered out and I only got her to dress up and try it out now and then.

A year or two went by and I brought out the ballerina cartoons again just because they had been away long enough to be new again… and the icing on the cake was when I bought Little Woman a new dancing out fit that had sparkles on it and matching leggings. Well Big Girl had to teach her everything she knew, after all she had been an expert in her youth! Before I knew it they where practicing routines together, wearing their dancing outfits through out the day and asking me to film their performances in the ‘FEHR FINE ARTS THEATER’ (a.k.a. the family room). I went out and got Little Woman’s closest in age cousin a matching dance outfit and now the return of the ballerina is a guaranteed success. I hope they always dance.


The Return To School

This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight,
like a spy, through the ripening country-side,
and, with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat,
puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders.

~Sarah Orne Jewett

Every joyful summer must come to an end.

Every child must return to school.

I complain about all the supplies that need to be collected for each new school year but truly I am grateful for the distraction. I have been bustling around all weekend trying to ignore the conflict in my heart and mind. I don’t think I am afraid to send them as I daily was when they first started this grand adventure of education out side of the home, BUT, I still feel emotional this time of year.

I feel thankful for the schedules return. Yet I want to complain about the pending doom of winters dark cold mornings at the bus stop. I feel thankful for alone time with my youngest too, it is so much simpler and quieter and the house remains clean longer, but I also feel so heartsick with loneliness for my older two. I feel excited for them, thankful that they are pumped about being with friends again and yet… I want them to be with me, they are mine (or so my mama heart screams)!

Well I think that could just be a complete list of my battling emotions…

I feel better already…

Back to sharpening mounds of pencils and labeling each and every one along with every pencil crayon, crayon and marker…


Chicken Pox

I had been hoping for a real slow pace till school starts up again, you know, lots of lazy days around the house, just the kids and I… sprinkler fun and lots of sun… didn’t think I would get my wish in such a way!

Three down and one to go…well maybe one to go… doc thinks Baby Boy might have had it already and it was just a mild fever and a few spots. Amazing that we didn’t get a for sure diagnosis till it was almost over. My oldest had it first and was so mild she didn’t feel off, just had a couple spots. It was over in a few days. Some where in there my youngest may have had it but we will have to see. My middle two showed signs yesterday and are already on their way to the scab stage (which is when they are no longer contagious). I am thanking the Lord for such mild cases and it happening before school started up again.

Once someone is infected, the virus usually incubates for 14 to 16 days before a rash appears, although incubation can last from 10 days to 21 days. There are no symptoms during incubation and a person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before symptoms appear. The person remains contagious until all the blisters have dried and scabs have formed.


Patience and A Trip North

(Just me and my four babies on a big northern adventure!)

If parenting isn’t the perfect opportunity to learn more patience then I don’t know what is. I feel like I am always choosing to be patient or to wig out but every now and then there is a chance to step into an obvious opportunity to practice patience. It looks big and can either be a disaster or a victory. Heading north to my folks for a week with out my man was such an opportunity. Four kids, one mommy. Now I am no fool so I went at this challenge with some help. I had a plan and I wasn’t afraid to stack the odds more in my favor (as apposed to anarchy’s favor). My beast van (I call it that because it is large) was newly equipped with a DVD player. I had a cooler full of snacks and each child had a lap table to color on, books and a back pack of toys.

Even so… patience was required and I decided early on I was going to have to just pace myself, slow down and embrace kid speed. Good thing I was realistic! A six hour road trip turned into almost a nine hour one.

The kids found every reason possible, and invented some too I am sure, to pull the van over. We had potty breaks, snack breaks, emotional break downs… put a new movie in breaks, restart said movie breaks, I don’t like movie and have changed my mind breaks… On one such occasion my oldest was standing next to the van with me. This stop was hard for me, we had barely started driving after the last one and where only minutes from a city and could have stop some where nicer once there. She looked at me and with a big smile said ‘Traveling is exciting!’ Shucks, that makes it worth while! She is having a good time, they all are… so I should too… so I did.

We stopped a few times just to let the kids run. I invented some relay games and got them running so many laps they where more then happy to get back in the van. We ate our fill of cheese strings, peanuts, yogurt tubes and triple chocolate chip cookies. They watched and I listened to a couple movies and I even got to listen to some of my favorite road tunes: TFK, Toby Mac, Jill Barber and Mikey Bubbles (Guess who that is!? My man gave him that nickname) among others.It was all worth it. When we arrived at my parents acreage in the valley, surrounded by trees and bedrock I wasn’t even over whelmed. We where excited and in good spirits. All of us where thinking about beach days and lazy afternoons, fresh air and adventure.Everyone cautions you about asking for more patience but the fact is you are a happier person once you accept the gift it holds.


Bean in a Bag

Big Girl brought home a little sprout at the end of the school year, a little sprout in a bag. We watched the roots form and watered it daily (just a little). As the vine grew it became clear we had a bean in a bag. Today Big Girl and I both squealed when we found A VEGETABLE! The bean plant that could DID! It had a bean! Yes had, for it only lasted long enough to get a picture then it was popped into Big Girls mouth. “Mmmmm, fresh!” she said. He he he, you can’t get much fresher then that!TTFN

Our Summer Project:)

My four and I where looking for a summer adventure,
a project,
to keep us going during the week,
you know,
jumping out of bed with enthusiasm and not wasting a single summer day!

There are over 50 kiddy pools in our city, I believe. So we stuck to spray parks! Our summer project for 2010 is to explore and rate (just for fun) all the spray parks in the city. We have done 6 so far, not counting the large puddle we swam in at a small park near by. It has been a lot of fun!Each day we get up and I tell the kids we are going to explore another new park and they grab our beach bag and are ready to go in no time. We all look forward to the next park and are finding it a great way to familiarize ourselves with more of our city. It is a lovely way to get us talking; working out our likes and dislikes about parks, picking the next one, deciding when to revisit one.
We rate the play grounds as well and feel like we have found some real gems.Here’s to many more days packing the van with towels, drinks, snacks, the camera and four excited kids! Here’s to our summer adventures!


Road Trip (anew an Auntie)

Road trip! South on a two hour drive to meet my nephew. He is my first! It has been raining nieces for some time. Needless to say, my oldest boy is thrilled to have some more guys in the family! My two little men have been the only boy cousins till now.

A brand new little bundle was handed to me right away. Photos where snapped and a big grin came effortlessly to my face. There is an instant joy that envelopes a person every time you meet a new life. I held him and he snuggled so sweetly. Before I knew it I was slumped into the couch with him on my chest and we where both completely at peace with the world. Ahhh, another part about new babies I remember so fondly, the way they can just slow you right down and make you want to stair at them endlessly… it is all so very calming.

I don’t think my heart will ever stop loving, longing for babies. Forever embracing the memories of my own precious four helps…


Rock Climbing

I can’t decide if she faced a giant or not!

My girl has many things she is too cautious about. I wonder if it is being the first born that will often make her very standoffish and mistrusting? She has many things that get her easily worked up and even afraid and so way back we started encouraging her to fan the flame of the areas in life she was brave about.

Like every little woman, she is braver then she thinks.

When she started standing up in class (randomly) and sharing songs and poems she had written we knew she had a spark of bravery and thankfully she is now in a fine arts school where she is encouraged in those areas.

When she was almost two she started climbing everything in sight. She could shimmy up her bunk bed no problem and started sleeping on the top at a very young age. She worked on the monkey bars, starting in kindergarten, so determinedly that she had callouses and raw patches on her hands and had to be forced to take a few days off of them to let the raw spots heal.Yesterday night was family adventure night. We had ice cream and burgers then watched Big Girl try something she has been dreaming about for a while, rock climbing! Lynn Hill has entered into conversation a lot lately. Check the link to her blog, she is a well known climber and my girl thinks she is pretty great. Well Big Girl got a little bit of a taste of Lynn’s world last night and she LIKED IT! It was wonderful to see her impressed with her own abilities and not holding back but getting up there.

(The other three sat at the bottom JUST MESMERIZED!
Baby Boy kept pointing and saying ‘Uh Oh!’)


Big Girl Becomes Spring Bean

I feel like it is time to give my four new nicknames. They have changed and grown so much I want my blog pet names to reflect that. I plan to put a little post to each as an introduction to their new pet name.

Spring Bean

She is getting so tall, so slim we can’t help but look at her and call her spring bean.
(All three pictures are of my oldest two playing their invented version of hockey.)

You are strong.
You are determined.
You are unique.
You are artistic.
You have your own style.
You are brave.
You are beautiful.

You are growing up and changing and all for the best.
May you continue to work at patience and embrace being young while you are.
May you be a little girl while you are a little girl.
If you can do this you will grow in grace, joy, peace and true beauty.