All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

I Call That Adorable

I generally really appreciate new steps toward independence in the lives of my children. It is nice to not be needed for everything. However, I found I was a little nervous when I discovered my two year old was already turning DVDs on for himself! It has happened about three times now so it is no accident that he goes down stairs and in a matter of minutes one of his favorite movies is on for him. Seems to be no big deal to him. He places himself comfortable on the couch and today he even fell asleep after putting on his favorite show (CARS). He appeared to only have put DVDs in the VCR once as he taught himself this clever skill, so not much harm done. Awe he is so clever, I call that adorable.



Everyone wants to be remembered. Those who give for others often will not ask for it but lets remember them all the more.

Today I attended a special ceremony, at the kids elementary school, for ‘Remembrance Day’. My oldest sang in the choir and she did wonderfully. As usual I barely held myself together. I can’t help but be moved by so many emotions at such a ceremony.

I was so thankful I was able to include my youngest too this year. It wasn’t easy for them to be still and quiet. At one point, when the trumpeter was performing, my two year old started to loudly play along with his ‘mouth trumpet’ and I decided to not bat an eye… he settled as soon as the music was done and the fact is his precious little heart and free spirit is a perfect example of some of what the soldiers fought and fight for…and why we so thankfully remember them today and tomorrow.


Cupcake Socks and Smiles

My little woman never seems to have a matching pair of socks on. Can’t be bothered usually I suppose… BUT last Saturday she asked me to dress her up for her afternoon date with Daddy and then she went and found her ‘cupcake socks’. Not only are they her favorite pair, not only does she value them as her ‘good pair’ but they matched! I like to think she took the time to match her socks just for Daddy. I made sure to whisper to him as they where leaving ‘mention the cupcake socks’ and she beamed with joy when he did.

It was an afternoon made for my girl, involving tea and talking! He asked her what she wanted to do and she wanted to have tea with him. She insisted ‘not the cold tea, the hot tea!’ she is big now you know so no more cold tea! Such a lady she always explains if it is really hot she will need a spoon to sip it but if it is just warm she is fine with out. They sat on the patio and chatted, well she chatted, endlessly.

When she returned home she had the biggest smile. I was shown her wonderful ‘teacup to go’ and the smile continued long after the tea was gone. This smile was for Daddy.

My girl truly values a listening ear and adores time with her Daddy. I am so glad to see Daddy appreciates one on one time with each of his little ones… and me… well I can’t get over her cupcake socks, too cute!TTFN

Baby Boy’s Hair Cut

Baby boy is two and today he finally had his first REAL hair cut. I have been doing my best to keep it off his neck and ears as it grew out for the last couple years. Today I decided I finally wanted to see how he would look all cleaned up. Perhaps it was because it is so warm for November, the snow is all gone again and it felt like a second fall! Perhaps it is because it is just so easy to go on a sunny walk down the block to the local salon. Perhaps it is because they are so cute once they have fresh cuts. Perhaps it is because Little Woman loves the salon and when I mentioned we could walk down and get her a hair cut she was thrilled, the jumping up and down kinda thrilled.

Hand in hand these two mini versions of their older two siblings walked happily to the salon with me. We avoided the puddles and marvelled at all the leaves that have reemerged since the snow melted away. The sun kept us warm and the conversation was a constant flow of sweetness to my ears.

Little woman, of course went first, and the stylist actually recognized her from all the trips she takes there to watch her dad and I get our hair cut (she likes the salon that much). Little Woman exclaimed with great enthusiasm that this time it was indeed her turn to ride the chair and get a fresh look. She and the stylist chatted away comfortably while I followed Baby Boy all over the place. He had lots too say and so much energy I was starting to get nervous about his turn… do two year olds ever sit well?

My girl looked like a million bucks after she was done. She told her brother how fun it is and then went to read magazines. My boy did pretty good till right near the end. Then he got feed up and tried to take the cape off. When we gave up and let him down he was mostly done and so looked pretty sharp as he stomped to the door and said ‘lets go’ in a grumpy voice. The yellow sucker she presented each of them with sweetened him up though.

It was such a nice afternoon. I love that the little things are the most exciting for kids. Too Little Woman the salon is a grand outing and to Baby Boy getting out of there was exciting enough to hoot and hooray about.


Share A Little Love

So earnestly and easily she learned to love him. This little girl was terrified of dogs only a few weeks ago and although Riddick has proven to not be perfect she trusts him already. Kids so easily give up fear for love. May I be the same. Braving love over fear in my daily life.


A Week of October Suppers!

MONDAY -The ‘Gray Day Dumpling Stew’ I typed out for you in the previous post. It was a big success and with that kick off to the week I easily remained on the menu planning band wagon.
TUESDAY -Simple baked lemon pepper chicken with a fruit and nut salad that the kids couldn’t leave alone till not a stitch remained. It had a homemade apple vinaigrette dressing, apple and pear slices with roasted almonds and celery on a bed of lettuce. I love that my kids like salad!
WEDNESDAY -Finally I found a minestrone recipe that tasted like the minestrone of my youth! YUM, just like I remember but healthier even! It was FULL of veggies and topped with home made croutons it became special! It was from one of my husbands triathlon magazines and a really good find.THURSDAY -Vegetarian meals are often favored around here! Starting with another winning salad and ending with amazing spicy black bean patties. Caramelized yams, onions and garlic are mixed in with mashed black beans, eggs and wheat germ. You then coat it in cornmeal and top with cool lime/paprika dip.
FRIDAY -After a week of the kids being so good about eatting my way I made a Mexican style lasagna for them. It is one of their favorite casseroles with loads of cheese, corn tortilla’s layered with zucchini, ground venison and lotsa tomato sauce (among other stuff).

I sure hope next week is as picturesque and as yummy!


When Your Boy

When your boy takes your hand as you are walking down the mall you smile and try to hold in how melted you are right then and there.

When your boy hugs you because you are melancholy, and he knows it, and says ‘I need more hugs today Mom.’ you try not to weep cuz that will confuse him…

When your boy waves to you as he heads for the bus and yells very publicly that he does in deed love you, you beam with pride at the fact that he still thinks all should know that.

You take all of these things and store them away in your heart so you always no that he loves you… no matter what the years to come will do to his personality you hold out hope that he will remain that honest and affectionate boy… because the fact is you are his mom and you are supposed to crave his love returned.


Timely and Sweet – Blessings

I have my share of posts about those rough mommy days, as is fair as is truthful, but this is not such a post. This is a deliberate ‘count your blessings’ kinda post. They don’t usually get as many comments but I hope it is encouraging in a up lifting fashion. Encouragement is good in many forms, there is a need for the honestly rough post, encouraging because of the ‘not being alone in my troubles’ factor and so a blessing counting post is encouraging in a different but special way…may you all see you are included in being given many many daily blessings!

Saturday at 7:10 The dog woke me up, what a huge blessing! My alarm didn’t go off and Anna was waiting for me outside, for who knows how long, so we could go early to the dog park! A beautiful morning greeted us as we march over the prairies with our dogs and conversation with Anna is always such a blessing. Around 8:30 I lost Riddick but he eventually came back to me. My friend began helping me with his obedience training right then and there. She encouraged me with her God given wisdom and patience. By the end of our walk I was confident and Riddick was being a real gentleman.

9:10 I arrived home to find a jewel of a friend, Crystal to be exact, had left me a little gift in my mail box. The gift, a new type of tea, was lovely and I got to put my feet up while I enjoyed it.

Noonish I was off shopping with my sister Mirelle and it worked out that I only had to take one child. Time away from the house and the individual time with Baby Boy was very special.

Afternoon, I watched my 8 year old daughter dancing with her friends in the driveway. She spotted me mouthing the words to the tune and proudly proclaimed I should come dance with her and her friends. Oh that sure made me feel special!

Later my 4 year old little woman went for her first sleep over at grandma’s and sensing my melancholy over it my boys managed to hug me more then is usual for the rest of the day.

An evening out with my oldest two came next. Movie night! We had great fun chatting and sharing some fries. I taught them a trick to get more ketchup on their fries without double dipping, ‘I call it the two-for’ and they applauded my genius, genuinely impressed by Mom. After the fries I cheered with great pride as they put two straws in their chocolate milk and chugged it in a matter of seconds so we wouldn’t miss the start of the movie. My oldest actually held on to my arm most of the movie, she wanted to be close. At the movies end they both thanked me and told me they loved me. I know they are my kids and generally pretty well behaved, but every now and then I am really impressed by how polite they can be.

There has been so much more! This whole weekend I feel as if I am walking into one joy after another! A very unassuming weekend, much less stuff going on then usual and yet it has been so full, full of blessings.

The biggest blessing for me has to honestly be the attitude of my children… only days ago the struggle in our home was one of rebellion of responsibilities and selfishness… I was busy trying to pick up the pieces and wearing out. The kids where obviously not happy with me of late. To have them trying harder and making an effort was a big enough blessing but to have them expressing love and appreciation more often my way again brings me to tears. A Mama has to do her job no matter what but it sure helps to have my little nest full smiling and hugging me.

Blessings are often reminders to me that people are thinking of me… timely blessings are all around… Taking notice of them reminds me that CHRIST is thinking of me:) Really I am appreciating the people in my little world more and more… As they bless me so I hope I bless them!


Little Boys, Little Brothers

Two little boys, two little brothers
have their bath just before bed.
Mama watches the whispering,
She wonders what is going on in each little head.
Neither shall tell their mother,
for that is half the fun.
Mama doesn’t really worry,
she adores each special one.
How she knows boys where made for mischief,
and brothers for the occasional strife,
thus each day she prays for her boys,
praying they truly love one another for life.


Nap Luv

I can’t help it, it is genetic! My mother always relished a snug afternoon nap and so do I. Today’s was particularly delicious because of the company. I stretched out on my pretty pink couch and looking over spotted two nap pals that where just as warm curled up in the sun as I. Little Woman hasn’t been as loyal a napper of late and so she surprised me with no protest today… My dog, well he was so cute I couldn’t ignore him either. It sure is hard to resist talking about my dog too much! He is such a darling addition to our family and as long as he continues to happily partake in nap hour he will easily win my heart.