All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

Childhood (eight)

I was trying to get a nap in after a very busy weekend when I opened one eye and spotted you fishing from the couch. Totally in another world, your world, you where very determined and dedicated. Apparently the blue paper fish was a real fighter for you struggled and complained ‘Come on, come on!’ as you reeled it in. The fish appeared to be crying as you took it off so you smiled at it put it back on the string and returned it to the water. This game went on and on and you where oblivious to my gaze so I had time to find the camera and snap away. Many of the pictures captured your concentrated pucker expression that I love and all caught a piece of this little moment of beautiful childs play.

I have the chance to watch you grow and to enjoy being part of the world of a child again thanks to you. Thank you Jesus that my kids have had many years to just be kids!


Keep Warm:)

(My Baby Boy and his cousin, mesmerized by the record snow fall we got this year!)

I have been running all week, break neck speed, to get all my errands done and now I am happy to awake to a -40 kinda day so I can stay home, guiltless! There is an endless list of things I need to do at home today…

  1. Timtams waiting to be filled with coffee and then devoured.
  2. Strong coffee waiting to be perked on the stove.
  3. Bread dough rising and waiting to eventually be baked and eaten.
  4. Endless laundry baskets full of clothing waiting to be folded.
  5. A cinderella story movie waiting to be watched by my babies and I for the first time.
  6. A couple books waiting to be read just before I fall asleep on the couch come nap time.
  7. All this done while I enjoy my kids, enjoying the company of my dog, enjoy my home and make a real effort to look at the bright side of winter, it makes you more appreciative warm places with people you love.

Blessings to you all on this winter-y day. May you find things to smile about and be warm enough that when you smile your lips do not freeze to your teeth!

P.S. It is supposed to warm up soon I hear! Perhaps even later today!!


Gorgeous Rest (six)

I sat with a cup of tea, reading. My youngest two sat on the floor playing calmly.

With great joy exclaimed aloud Little Woman popped up like a jack in the box and ran for the window. A large flock of birds had taken flight. Wee little birds where they, and adorable, as they danced around the berries on our neighbors tree. Baby Boy soon followed her, stunned a bit, as I was, by her interruption of our afternoon repose. Pointing, ooohs and aaahs followed the interruption. As the birds settled my babies drew their attention to the hoarfrost that had coated everything outside. Little Woman saw so many shapes in the frost and wanted to tell me about them all. On went the chatter until she was distracted by her hands and Baby Boy by his toy car. They slid down the couch and again embraced the idea of a repose. I returned to my tea and thought about how I would record this lovely moment because it was, in fact, just so lovely!

Repose, temporary rest from activity, excitement, or exertion. This is the way my afternoons often are, just before the oldest two burst in the door from school and shatter any hopes of such a quiet atmosphere reoccurring until well after bed time. As a new mom I found all the repose hard to take at times but with four children of varied ages I now cherish it and realise it is temporary oh so temporary. I want to enjoy it enough that I am not desperately disappointed when it is shattered too quickly for my taste. I want to savor repose and not waste a moment.

I am keenly aware of the value in still times, quiet times, times of rest today and so I am very thankful for repose. It is a gift in a hectic world to be at rest. Thank you Jesus for times of rest in my life! May I always make use of them.


Warning, Not Making

Watching your children face consequences is so very painful, so important for that child’s healthy growth but so very hard for a mommy’s heart. As I start to let my stubborn child face up to choices made I acknowledge this is a very new and scary place for me as a mother.

Always available to tell you the better way my love,
to help you find it,
but also to let you learn… insist you face consequences
and to love you any ways.

I didn’t think I would move out of the young stage so soon… it is hard to acknowledge that I physically can’t prevent my kids from all harms and bad choices anymore… that even though I still have preschoolers my older two are far beyond that stage and onto bigger things that are so much harder on my mind and heart. I can warn them but unlike my babies I can only MAKE them to a point now…

Following my mom’s wise advice I will be praying so MUCH for my children, so much more now even… it is so easy to pray for them when they are sweet babies and tender children but as they move into more ornery stages I hope I will be all the more disciplined a prayer warrior on their behalf.

I am moving beyond my comfort level as a mom already, LORD protect my heart!

Note: This section added January 10th.

P.s. Found this phrase, LABORING OVER LOVE or love laboring, and it hit me that that is how I have been feeling, in regards to my babies… Found it at the link above.

The author shared a concept that you never stop laboring over your children… painful but necessary and oh so much a part of love… I needed to read that… and just breath.

She seems like a very thankful lady so I must look into more of her writing as I work on a year of thankfulness myself. Right now I am truly thankful for her article and her concept, for it has calmed me down and helped me see the strength in being a mom, in being one mom among so very many, world wide, who deal with the pain of loving children all their days…



(Baby Boy doing Mama’s hair.)

Eldest Damsel has a whole lot of hair now. She likes it down but this mama can’t handle it looking scruffy or flopping in her face so I am forever looking for new things to do with her hair that we both like. French braids have been the big deal of late. We are trying them in different ways and even Little Woman has got involved. Now Little Woman is another story, she LOVES getting her hair done. This girl told me when she grows up she wants to be a doctor so she can do peoples hair. I explained that wasn’t what doctors do. She informed me she wanted to do that badly and I let her know she for sure could but they are called hair stylists, not doctors. She sat so nicely for me as I put her first french braids in. We might not do it again soon as her hair is a little short for it yet and when I saw tears in her eyes over it I just couldn’t put her through that again. Baby Boy is not one to be left out so he lately has developed an interest in the brushes and combs around here. I try real hard to find the time to sit still for him so he can brush my hair. It is so very cute when he gets the brush and orders me ‘Sit, sit down. Sit down Mom’ as he pats the couch! I know I need to soak the attention up from my boy.

So ends the hair chronicles for now.

(the wrap around french braid variation, on Eldest Damsel)


New Years 2011


Our new years eve was eventful in a parental style. Stayed in and watched a movie with the kids, made them home made hot chocolate, enjoyed some alone time with their dad till midnight and then got up early to take our Baby Boy in to the doctor because of asthma issues. Yup, eventful parental style.

Time to think has been a little scarce but I think I feel a year of learning to be thankful coming on. THANKFUL, is my word, if you will… Why? well I deserve this word, I have entitled myself to loads of angry times in life these last few years… when things got tough I got grumpy… and I have learned there is no strength found in an angry spirit… simply a soul stuck in a self dug hole… I desire that strength that comes with a thankful heart and I ready my heart to learn…

To kick it all off I have already started a habit of writing about things and people I am deeply moved in thanks for. We shall see how it goes from there.

My year of sacrifice was painful. I learned true sacrifice rubs up against all the human heart desires. It goes against our nature to sacrifice and yet as soon as we do there is a freedom and a weight lifted. If I was already a thankful sort I would say I have been very thankful for the self discipline I have learned and for the opportunities to sacrifice… but if I was a thankful person already this coming year wouldn’t be a year of thankfulness would it!? As with every year passed I feel like in spite of it being a long year and a very eventful year I have so much more to learn about my new year word gone by… I feel strangely fragile about the whole idea of sacrifice still…

This was indeed a year of big things; my dad’s cancer and my two sisters finding us are tops of that dramatic list. Praying for growth in the fruits of the Spirit in 2011 and wishing you all a blessed new year!

Crafty Christmas Tradition

Tonight was ‘decorate the presents night’. A little crafty Christmas tradition (one of the only times of year I am willing to do a little crafting) that we have done for a few years now. It started because I loved the look of all the gifts wrapped in the same paper. I started using brown packaging paper and Christmas colored yarn because I liked the look of it. It was one of my oldest kids who pointed out that it would be easy to color that kind of paper and so our tradition was born. Each year the packages end up looking so very different, depending on what we have to use. This year the kids where heavy on the foamy stickers and last year it was all about stamps. Such a lovely evening! It went well since they are all getting pretty pro at our Christmas traditions. Big Girl was very patient and willing to help Baby Boy as he learned how to gently color the gifts. Little Woman couldn’t use enough pink stickers and Big Boy was so intently concentrated I couldn’t believe how quiet this usually boisterous boy was. I was on camera duty (big surprise there). Even Daddy had time to join in tonight and we all laughed when a sticker ended up on his forehead… ‘how did that get there?’ was all he said and all four kids where splitting a gut! It is so very Merry to have mellow family time with your kids this time of year:)

And The Tree Is Up For 2010

After having it up for a few days with no decorations the kids patience was rewarded with a family night to decorate the tree. They where so much quicker this year! So much less fighting as I just let them do their thing and rearranged what needed to be rearranged once they went to bed (he he he mommy trick). They had so much fun and it looks very sweet.We started the evening off right by putting our pjs on and having an applicable supper; popcorn and smoothies (applicable because it is all about the kids tonight). We then listened to some ‘Vinyl Cafe’ via pod-cast (online) and decorated. The story was very cute, by the way, it was called ‘Dave and the Elevator’, look it up if you have a chance. Listen on line at this address !

And if you want Christmas flare look up the Vinyl Cafe story called ‘Dave Cooks the Turkey’.



‘The Couch Hustle’ a Mommy Dance

(The sweet view from my sick bed/couch.)

Just got out of bed an hour ago, around 11:30. Correction, got off the couch an hour ago. I am sick. Feeling awful. All I wanted to do was sleep today.

Up at six in spite of my cold. Got the dog walked, big kids to the school bus and the husband off to work; then raced back to the couch, turning all the lights off in the house on the way so I could crash. An hour later the little ones started to emerge from their beds and so the ‘couch hustle’ began.

The ‘couch hustle’ is a mommy dance I am very familiar with. It is a sick day dance that goes something like this… I jump up (groggily) and hand each little one a banana and a piece of honey toast I had made ahead and put under a bowl to keep warm then I hit the couch again. When Baby boy gets stuck on his chair I jump up again, solve it and return to the couch. When Little Woman can’t reach the crayons and is screaming about it I jump up again, solve it and once again return to the couch. This song and dance went on all morning.

I know it sounds like a hectic way to nap but if you are a mommy you take what you can get. I really feel so much better for it already. Getting in mini naps all morning is a small victory, even if I am never truly asleep… if you are a mom you probably know what that means… Now DON’T ask what my house looks like, I am on a sick day!


I Have A Parrot

(Helping himself to a snack.)

Mom – ‘Riddick down. Silly dog’
BABY BOY – ‘Silly dog?’
Mom – ‘Yup. Come with me Quade.’
BABY BOY – ‘Come with me?’
Mom – ‘Yup, I want to change your diaper.’
BABY BOY – ‘Change diaper?’
Mom – ‘He he he, yup. Are you my parrot?’
BABY BOY – ‘Carrot?… No, I want banana!’