All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

And Summer Holiday Comes To An End

(Hello handsome, we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other this coming year! It’s you and me baby!)

This is it… the last week off before school… oh my heart twists in knots this time each year. I am usually tired enough to be thankful for school starting up and the break during the day but I am always a little unhappy at the thought of having less of my kids because, lets face it, despite how bad they CAN be they are really sweet kids and I enjoy being with them and like them AS PEOPLE.

I know watching my youngest daughter start her kindergarten journey is going to be the biggest heartache for me this year. My older two really enjoy school and thrive with the social life they get there but Dannan… she is starting out and who knows how it will all be for her… all I know is she has been my shadow right up until… now… next week… and is my helper and chatty kathy and snuggly bud at nap time so… phew so perhaps I am trying to make myself cry with this… moving on!

This was one of those perfect New England days in late summer where the spirit of autumn takes a first stealing flight, like a spy, through the ripening country-side, and, with feigned sympathy for those who droop with August heat, puts her cool cloak of bracing air about leaf and flower and human shoulders.

~Sarah Orne Jewett

That all being said, I am always ready for adventure, enjoy life as it moves and flows so I don’t look back to sad with regrets at wasted time… so I am really pumped about more time with my littlest man and more time to work on my library career again and… MORE TIME:)


Smirk At Me WILL YOU!!!!???

So I had one of those days yesterday… the kind that makes me wanna trade in my kids for monkeys and have a rest… or QUIT and go back to work! “YOU think I am trapped here! I can quit if I wanna! …kinda… I CAN GO BACK TO WORK WHEN EVER I WANNA… kinda…” was heard at one point I am sure… in a raised voice…

“Don’t look at me like that! I can do attitude too!”






“Get that out of your mouth! NO, put it in the garbage! OH GROSS!”

“Oh for Pete’s sake WHAT IS THIS!”

“YUCK! You are grossing your mother OUT HERE!”



“… oh bother… no one is listening are they…??”

I was out of breath before lunch…

Today was different though… I thought of everything I could take away AND I DID and then, cuz they where still smirking at me, I hatched a plan. I woke my kids up at dawn, even the littlest two, marched them out to the breakfast table with a smile, feed them and gave them the schedule for the day… a strictly laid out schedule involving plenty of chores…

Funny but they’re in much better moods today and no one is attacking one another or mouthing off to me,

…and I am still smiling.

THOSE DAYS do end:)



(A RELATED THOUGHT… or perhaps not… but wanted to share…
Everyday as I head outside I see these daisies… and many many more… all over my front lawn… SO IS LIFE, they seem to say to me… they are unplanned for and not socially acceptable all over my lawn… but… sorry neighbors they are the very reason I mow my front lawn infrequently. I far prefer these hearty and lovely little flowers to the sad brown grass that tries to survive under my glorious trees. I didn’t plan for my lawn to be any different from the neighbors but these little beauties are all that survives well and they are much prettier then what I would have controlled into being.)

Wow do I need to write!! I feel like all the fabulous moments my kids and I are experiencing are fading into oblivion without my having the ability to record and think them through on the family blog. Thankfully I haven’t needed a lot of de-stress blogging so I have been okay with letting this public blog lie… letting the sleeping blog lie… hmmmm, I like that… anyhow.

I need to be okay with the risk of memory lose as I have no personal computer to update so frequently. I need to just grab this summer by the… heat waves…. ??… and GO WITH IT! This is where life is right now! No computer for me and so I must cope with the blogging withdrawal and continue on.SUMMER, by the way, has been absolutely fabulous so far! The big kids are at camp and I am spoiling the smaller two. Garnet and I are getting lots of alone time and the dog is getting fun in the sun with an even more active me. I am not letting the specialist appointments slow me down. We, meaning Riddick THE DOG and I, are back to short jogs each morning and enjoying the energy boost that that provides.

(‘gasp’ a jogging photo… kinda… me right after a run, looking good cuz I took down my sweaty pony tail before picture was snapped, he he he)

There have been gallons of iced tea drank already, plenty of patio time, fun stops at parks, pools and more. The garden is doing super well in spite of the water ban. What else can I add? Going north to the grand folks with my crew next week and hope to put some deliciously northern snap shots on here soon enough and the fun continues after that trip with tea parties, camp for me and my two babies, a tenting weekend and swimming lessons.How will I cope with school starting again?


Getting a Plot!

(A view of the community garden from the top of our parks sled hill.)

Due to feeling off I missed the official PLOT MEETING where they presented all the garden members with their little pieces of earth. I thought perhaps I had lost my chance to be part of the community garden then but I got an email that if I could find the time to come by for some info and advice they had my spot. It is a grand spot too, 10 by 20 and smack in the middle of the garden. They have water hooked up all around the garden, a shed full of tools for our use and paths around each of the plots that they plan to make clear with wood chips soon. It is so pretty and it is just dirt so far! Can’t wait till it fills out with green plants and FOOD!There where already gardeners filling their plots! Even last night there where gardeners hard at work while we followed our cheerful noses around.

I had a good look around, played in my dirt for a bit and let the kids climb the near by trees. Riddick made friends with some residents of Sherbrook (the building right near the garden, they helped get this all started) and we all had a good look around before letting energy out by running up and down the sled hill a few times. We must have been entertaining to watch.

(Yes those are the oldest three rolling down the hill and my littlest guy doing his best to run without falling head over heals after them.)

After the good run around on the hill we headed to the park as a reward for the kids letting me do my thing at the garden.

It felt good to be out and about in the evening. To be active in our community on a lovely spring evening. I look forward to getting the kids settled in the evenings this summer and running over to fuss with our plot.

Sure hope I have lots of chances to bring the kids and Riddick as well so they can be part of it. If they continue to enjoy the bushes so much I might actually be able to keep them content while I work… gotta try picnics near the garden too and perhaps I will be able to at least get the older three involved in the work. So much to think about… hope I have a chance to get some seeds or plants A.S.A.P.!!

(Riddick and I watching the crew at the park before we headed home for bed time.)


Get Going With the Pink Bike and the Trailer

(Photo courtesy of my four year old and her knack for cutting my head of in pictures.)

I was THRILLED about the play date we had booked for this a.m. because it gave me a good reason to set up the bike and trailer and kick off using it this summer. I always wish I had more opportunities then I do each year to get it out! It will not be long before the kids are too big for it! Anyhow, play date was in our old neighborhood. I love this area for biking because of all the pretty cat walks. We had a lovely ride there but on the way back I was in a hurry, the wind was no longer at my back and the trek is up hill back home so I was pretty much warn out when we got back. I love my pink beauty but it sure doesn’t help that it has no gears at such a time.

Speaking of my beautiful ride, she needs a pet name! So I am putting it out there and starting a contest on both my blogs. If I get a good name idea, for my bike, from a reader I will send you a little something.

Align CenterHave a lovely JUNE day!



I have been a insatiable reader since I was very young… it pleases me to no end to watch my children discover the joy of reading too… it amazes and excites me to watch my husband find the joy in it in his 30s FINALLY… Yesterday my kids and their cousin built a little nest of blankets and pillows in the living room, then laid down to read the books we had just found at the local library. I was able to make supper in peace at this time. The specialness of the moment didn’t pass me by.TTFN

A Dog In Spring

My sister in law teased that the above picture of Riddick and I proves I am ‘one of those’ dog owners, he he he… I insist that he kissed me when I was leaning in closer just to get a picture of the two of us.


As each season arrives with our first family dog in the mix we all notice the bonus to having him around. Spring is a great time of year to be a dog owner. I have to admit I was very tickled with him following my every move as I gardened, cut weeds and hung laundry to dry outside. When I was motionless for longer then a few minutes he was as good as gold about laying down in the grass close by.

He was like a puppy when we first ventured out to enjoy a morning in the yard. He ran circles around me and the kids and jumped about like a jack rabbit through the cedars and then threw himself in the grass and rolled and rolled till he found the perfect spot and passed out for a nap in the sun. “Spring feels good to him too.” I told the kids. They thought he was very funny.

(The perfect grassy spot.)
(My friendly furry shadow.)

The kids favorite part of the morning with our dog was when we moved the sandbox across the yard (to a spot more visible at all times for me) and he bounced around us nipping at our heals as we haled it. It was as though everything we did was to entertain him. When we stopped and put the sandbox down he instantly jumped in it and stood there wiggling all over as if to say “Is this for me? Oh boy, oh boy! What is it??”

(The sandbox got so much more attention once we moved it to a sunny part of the yard.)
(The kids had great fun breaking out the bubbles they where given as a gift only days before.)

Just the other day my youngest daughter and I where at the pet store for a peek and couldn’t help but melt at the sight of all the puppies… but I had no problem walking away… fact is I have gone down the puppy road and as cute as they are I appreciate Riddick and his older dog loyalty far more then the energy and cuteness of a pup. I think I will continue to make it my goal to adopt older dogs in the future.


Clothes Lines and Fuzzy Feelings

The first thing he did on his week off was put up a line for my laundry. Never mind that it took me asking for eleven years and it was our third home where it was put up and he kinda HAD to because our brand new dryer was down for over a week, I AM THRILLED! I see it as a clear love act, since he knows I have always enjoyed hanging up the laundry in the fresh air.
Our first warm afternoon with the line in use was a special whimsical afternoon. My youngest two and I put the dog on his long leash in the yard and then we played in the sun under the laundry line. What ever it is about a clothes line, that makes life feel cozy, the children for sure feel it too. They couldn’t ignore the sheets dancing in the wind. Running in, then out and all around the laundry they squealed and laughed. It was all great fun.

No one wanted to leave the sweet atmosphere of our little patch of grass in the back yard. Even when our tummies started growling the children where not tempted to head for the house. I eventually gave up and brought them out a picnic. It was our first picnic of the year and there was so much wonder and joy under the laundry line that day.

(Time for a picnic lunch. ‘Oh what did you get? I gotsa chocolate sandwich.’ ‘Me to!’)


Clothes Line and Fuzzy Feelings

The first thing he did on his week off was put up a line for my laundry. Never mind that it took me asking for eleven years and it was our third home where it was put up and he kinda HAD to because our brand new drier was down for over a week, I AM THRILLED! I see it as a clear love act, since he knows I have always enjoyed hanging up the laundry in the fresh air.
Our first warm afternoon with the line in use was a special wimzical afternoon. My youngest two and I put the dog on his long leash in the yard and then we played in the sun under the laundry line. What ever it is about a clothes line that makes life feel cozy the children for sure feel it too. They couldn’t ignore the sheet dancing in the wind. Running in, then out and all around the laundry they squealed and laughed. It was all great fun.

No one wanted to leave the sweet atmosphere of our little patch of grass in the back yard. Even when our tummies started growling the children where not tempted to head for the house. I eventually gave up and brought them out a picnic. It was our first picnic of the year and there was so much wonder and joy under the laundry line that day.

(Time for a picnic lunch. ‘Oh what did you get? I gotsa chocolate sandwich.’ ‘Me to!’)


Lasso The Moon

They often sit like this, while I put the older three to bed. Daddy and our baby boy often need some one on one time at the end of the day. The days are full of chores and necessary tasks that lead to demands, require constant supervising and all this keeps a Mommy and a Daddy in work mode. This is not the ideal atmosphere for a creative two year old. An ideal atmosphere can be found sitting on his Dad’s lap, with no rush, no instruction, just plenty of time.

Tonight Dad’s reading time was interrupted when his boy spotted the moon in the not yet dark sky.

“Daddy, da mooooooon!” Daddy confirmed it was indeed the moon. “Daddy we gotsa get da moon,” ordered his little boy! His boy was already standing up and out of Daddies lap, bouncing on the couch, pointing with great enthusiasm out the window. As if grasping for the moon he got frustrated and said “I can’t weach it!” Daddy tried and insisted he too couldn’t reach it.

Baby boy was off the couch in a split second and running around the living room. “We need a rope,” he kept yelling! At this point I was already filming his little performance with the video camera. I piped up and offered him an imaginary rope I had in my pocket. “YES,” he yelled, with a big grin he grabbed the rope and ran back to the window!

One mighty toss and he threw it, presumably, right around the moon in a lasso like fashion. I giggled while he and Daddy worked at pulling on that moon for a healthy length of time, considering a two year olds attention span. They where having such a grand time everyone had forgotten about Baby Boys bed time looming.

You pay a little attention to children playing for any real length of time and I think it almost goes without saying that there is something beautiful about kids limitless imaginations. My boy assumed there must be a way to grab the moon and play with it. As a grown woman, a mom, I know my limits… I seem to find more all the time… and because of all these limits closing in on me I am so thankful I live through a limitless God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I will do as he requires me… I will enjoy obeying my Lord, besides my mountain of other reasons this one stands out to me tonight, he understands and created the heart of each imaginative child.