All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

I’m A Water Baby!

“If you want to know how much I love you, count the waves.”

Had a beautiful weekend with the family, that included a trip to the lake. My man wanted a day at the beach with the kids for his birthday. Happy 31st birthday Garnet, LOVE YOU HONEY!

I adore being in the water! Helps my home sickness for the north be soothed, just a little…My favorite moment of the day was when my oldest son trusted me enough to ride on my back and swim with me. Both of us are water babies and swam together till we where frozen. The rest of the family might prefer the beach and just dipping their toes in but at least my boy and I have that joy in the water in common.Another lovely Sunday with my crew! We are really enjoying our new plan of making Sunday’s FAMILY ADVENTURE days.“Don’t grow up to quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach!”


Couldn’t Keep Them Out:)

It is summer, after all! The water might have been as cold as ice and the wind chilly enough to keep my sweater on but it is JULY! My kids felt there was enough sun to warrant a swim and so in they went on our second trip to the park today. Big boy got so wet she shivered the whole way home and has already fallen asleep for the night.My girls where chilled to the bone but I had to insist it was time to stop at four o’clock in order to get them out. Here is hoping we will have some much warmer days for our next afternoon at the pool!

Hello summer! Come to stay!
Heat for swimming and dirt with which to play!


Give Me Some Summer!

To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie –
True Poems flee.
~Emily Dickinson

I am not one to complain about mild weather (because I have trouble handling the REAL HOT STUFF) but I have felt very sorry for my kids lately.

While I am happily digging in my garden beds, in spite of the rain, they are staring at me from the kitchen window with big sad eyes. All they want is a SUMMER! It has been pretty gloomy in our province this July. We haven’t had a nice enough day to hit the kiddy pools ONCE!The kids live less then a block from a kiddy pool and it is just killing them that they can’t use it. My four babies and I adore to swim, and since we live in a practical desert land, we have to accept the local wadding pools as our only option most of the time… so when they are out of the question my kiddos get pretty blue. We did what we could with visits and crafts but they got pretty tired of watching a happy mommy fussing with her gardens all day PRETTY QUICKLY!Specking of my gardens!!! I have gotten them all weeded and believe me that was no small task as they had weed TREES from being ignored for a year or so. I also planted almost 100 irises (thanks ‘E’)…. she must have been reading a previous post of mine when she thought that up as a house warming gift… I have all the over grown grass mowed nicely and even wrestled the giant horse radishes out of the ground… they had taken over the back garden. I found raspberry bushes, strawberries and even an apple tree (hidden behind my cedars!!)!! I now plan to plant more trees in the front yard (found some baby trees in my flower beds that need to be relocated), collecting rocks to make a path and a more rustic look to the front yard and keeping the weeds down so there is hope of a veggie garden next summer!

(Our Park!)

Today is SUNNY so we are off. Mommy’s garden gloves are put aside and her flip flops are ready for walking to the park, running after kids and filling up with park sand! I plan to spend the whole day outside for their sake.

(The Park Was Very Mucky Today.)


Officially Summer!

The kids and I agree it is officially summer when it is hot enough to want to go through the sprinkler. Saturday we broke out the sprinkler and got wet! Big Boy was the most willing to get in there. He was so wet he couldn’t stop shaking and had to lay down in the sun to warm up. Big Girl ran through a couple times but she was worried her nail polish would come off (an excuse to avoid the shock of the cold water). Little woman just screamed when ever her older siblings managed to get her near the sprinkles of water. At one point she put her hands in and that was enough for her. She ran to me screaming ‘Swokenin wet mama! Hands swokenin wet!’
(Little Woman spent as much time as possible coloring the drive way with her chalk and hiding from her big brother and sister. She didn’t like them trying to carry her into the sprinkler fire!)

Baby Boy sat with me. We both got great pleasure out of turning down the water so the big kids would get closer and then turning it up quick to catch them in its sudden burst of ice water.

‘It’s summer time, and the liven in easy…’


Painfully Beautiful

Change is painfully beautiful.
When we moved here I was sad at that change in life. Then these irises bloomed in the front bed and gave me hope of the beauty I would eventually find in this transition period of life.
Now I look at them, once again, for the last spring. They will no longer be mine.
They will stay and bless the next renters while our family moves on.
Change is painfully beautiful.
I adore these super fat legs and feet in the grass even though they mean my last new born is gone forever and my little Baby Boy keeps getting further and further from me as he grows bigger and bigger.
I will always lovingly see this chub chub baby in my son, whether he likes it or not.
Change is painfully beautiful.
Oh daughter STOP sitting there so at peace, so full of growing wisdom, so beautifully surprising! I am going to have to run over and squeeze you, a desperate attempt to stop you from growing older… I will then cry and sigh and be SO proud of all that you have become and will become!Change is painfully beautiful.
It makes a mama’s heart well up with great joy and thankfulness to her maker and at the same time her eyes well up with tears at the babies long gone!
It makes her heart burn with in her chest; ablaze with love, hope and sorrow all at once!
A mama’s heart is one big paradox.


Heating Up!

Oh is it hot today!
We got out early this morning to draw on the drive way but got chased into the house in no time, thanks to a relentlessly hot sun.As much as I love to wear summer dresses and enjoy warmer weather I am always amazed at how cruel our provinces heat can be!
We have spent the day running a cloth under cold water and wearing them on our necks to keep cool in the house and it isn’t even noon!
I have a feeling we will be having salad for supper since by then it will be hot enough in the kitchen to cook eggs on the counter top!
I wish I handled heat better but I start feeling sick pretty quick… I have spent so many summer afternoons hiding in my basement till evening. So many summer nights blowing a fan out one window to suck in mildly cooler wind in the others…
Well I am going to drink a bunch more home-made ice tea and then chew on the ice… yes I am one of those ladies who eats ice… I just can’t help it!

Mom and Tot Get Away Camp!

I think my husband was really surprise I actually went through with this plan! I don’t think I would be called a ‘go getter’ in the area of planning big things with the kids. I like to keep things small, simple and well planned out. Deciding to take my boys (one still nursing) off to a camp (that I had never been to before) for the weekend was out of character… It just felt right so I went for it.I felt lead to do this for my oldest boy, for his relationship with me and I know it was RIGHT! We had been having our struggles lately and he was so out of sorts with me. My little gentleman wasn’t happy around me and I knew he needed some direct attention and time.We all realise girls are emotionally connected but I realized this weekend my boy is really aware of my emotional state. He knew I had been stressed with all the changes in life lately and so he was acting out. By the end of the weekend the puzzle came together. Words like ‘I hate it when you are mad.’ and ‘I don’t want to be mad but you are.’ hit home. I started explaining if I was disciplining him I wasn’t angry, just doing my job. If he could accept the discipline we could both move on. He is a practical boy and normally good natured so he was able to accept that and in no time we where having a blast together.

We had time to talk about why I have been busy and stressed lately and I told him I was sorry for being grumpy. We discussed that when parents are grumpy it doesn’t always mean he has been bad. It isn’t his job to fix it every time I am sad or stressed. He liked my suggestion about praying for mom and dad when we are stressed. “I can do that.” he said… and he was already off playing. He doesn’t need much but he does need that little bit to make it right. My little man is quick to forgive and I love that about his bright little heart!I also realized how much ‘mom chatter’ I have in my head ALL THE TIME! This weekend, with meals and jobs done for us, I was actually present in what ever I was doing. I ate when we where eating, I sat when we where sitting… no thinking about what next, what to do, what didn’t I do, what should I do and so on and so forth. This experience was such a blessing! Just to BE for a while was so sweet!


Don’t Pack The Baby!!

(If he could, Baby Boy would live in the boxes!
I think he is the only one thrilled about all the boxes and mess in the house.
Makes his life more interesting!)

Life is pretty busy.
Running the kids back and forth to school, cleaning and packing at the rental, renos on the new house and that doesn’t include the daily chores.
Somehow I am keeping up with the laundry and dishes and not loosing my mind when the landlord calls and says she is bringing another group over to look at the house (spot check! any undies showing or dirty diapers loose in the house?)!
The kids are finding this stressful, they are impatient to finally have a house of their own too!
I try to find things for them to help with. It is a break for me and keeping their hands and minds busy makes them happier during all this craziness.(Big Boy has always been the most willing to help Mom clean up!)


Solution? MAMA!

As a mother I have four obvious reasons to live in Christ, four beautiful little lives that I birthed into this world but that Christ alone for-new.

Life is hard, life is beautiful…
in the times of struggle and joy he is my ULTIMATE SOLUTION!

Ultimate Solution

I am the ultimate solution…

let me explain…

Baby Boy doesn’t worry about crawling very much, the world comes to him… the moment he complains he has three little people buzzing around trying to make him happy.

‘Mama, he need a toy!’ says little woman.
‘No he wants a snuggle from me.’ says big girl.
‘No he pooped again.’ says big boy.

If and when all of there deliberations fail to please baby boy there is only one conclusion, or solution…

‘MAMA he need milk!’ says Little Woman.
‘Mama, he is thirsty!’ says Big Girl.
‘Mom feed him your milk!’ says Big Boy.

I am the ultimate solution to Baby Boy’s wants and needs… as I was for Little Woman, Big Boy and Big Girl… and it is all too short and beautiful a time of life.