It isn’t as serious as it sounds… hospital stay always sounds serious…I am pretty sure this is my first stay at a hospital for one of my kids (other then birthing) and that is pretty good considering I have been doing the mom thing for eight years.
Baby Boy and I have been at the hospital for the majority of two days. Took him in for a doctor check up because his breathing wasn’t sounding great and the doctor sent us to the hospital because it seemed like asthma. The first trip up we where sent home after treatment because he was doing better and they couldn’t say for sure he had asthma. A few hours later we where back up because he was worse. This time he was admitted to the hospital due to labored breathing issues and we spent the day there so he could be observed. They treated him for asthma (puffers and the mask) and that was all he needed, after a few doses of medicine he started to do a lot better. We are now home and he is back to his normal self, eating, sleeping well and playing up a storm.
The whole experience was harder due to no sleep for 48 hours and the effort it took to keep him happy being stuck to a crib all day. He was so bored! Making sure the other three kids where taken care of was a real concern too. Since I am nursing still I had to stay with Baby Boy almost the whole time. I am so thankful for the family and friends who stepped up to help us out with prayers and assistance!
Turns out he probably had an aggressive virus (just a cold) and it ware him down enough that he was struggling to breath and beet the bug off. He has caught bronchial infections (viral) almost monthly since he was born so I figured eventually one might be bad. No asthma diagnosis as he is too little for the breathing test. Between him and his oldest sister I look forward to having them officially tested in the future so we can say for sure one way or the other as far as asthma goes.
We are really thankful to be home. Sleeping in our own beds last night was wonderful!