All posts in Four Little Eggs In My Nest

Thankful For

I get tired of picking up after this bunch but the other day I saw it through a set of fresh eyes. Grams looked at the collection of dirty socks at my basement door and smiled. She thought it was cute! Cute that they shed their dirty little socks on my kitchen floor the moment they get home! Well she reminded me that once day I will miss the little mess of socks and the little feet that left them there… I am thankful for the socks at the top of the stairs because I am indeed thankful for each little person who contributed to the mess!


The Cozy

(The blue hat like item next to me is our new tea cozy! Simple but effective, it just needs a pom-pom to spice it up.)

Celebration and sunshine for a snowy April day. We broke out Big Girls precious tea party set and had munchies for lunch this past Sunday afternoon. The newest edition to our set was a tea cozy from Auntie Mirelle. Thanks to our cozy the tea stayed lovely and hot.

Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn’t try it on.~Billy Connolly

(The tea party table cloth is my favorite piece of this collection. It is hand embroidered with sweet tea cups and flowers.)

Big Girls tea set is a collection of love. It is mixed matched smallish dishes that where patiently collected by her Nanny. We keep these treasures wrapped in pretty tissue paper and packaged in a pink velvet box. Big Girl takes great care to unwrap them for each party and wrap them back up when it is time to put them away.

Not all the cups are actual tea cups and rarely do they find their matching saucer but we all enjoy them this whimsy way.

Near the bottom of the pink velvet box we found custard cups this time and decided they needed to be used. We had no custard but frozen vanilla yogurt made a good stand in and the kids didn’t seem to mind at all.

We followed up the tea party with a dance party to this new cd I had been given. My crew just loves it, Baby Boy included. It is funk and they get so happy and bouncy when I put it on, a great way to shake the hyper right out of them on such a day.

“This was for sure an adventure day Mama.” my Big Boy said as we sipped tea. I had to chuckle. How sweet that my kids, the boys and the girls, can get so much pleasure out of something so easy for me to do… something so simple and un-flashy…

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.


Blessed Family Time!

We kicked it all off with a graduation! My three year old, Little Woman, graduated from her first year of ‘wee college’. It was a night to fuss over her and she deserves fussing. She got to march up to the front and recite songs she learned and then received a certificate! A big night for our girl! Other then getting a little queasy at the end she was a pro!

Spring break has only barely began and we have already been so busy!
First day of spring break we took Big Girl down town to get her first BIG KID bike! It is a ‘tom boy’ color and she even got biking gloves to go with! She is loving the mature features of gear shifting and handle breaks!

(I love this man! I adore spending time with my best friend! Biking, skating in the winter, and hopefully taking up kayaking together this year, are all better with him! Next big plan in the works, after kayaking, is to get used to camping as a family.)

In the winter we skate. In the summer this family BIKES! The above pictures are me and my man on our first family bike ride of the year. The older two kids do so well following us in a straight line and keeping up. The younger two are as happy as can be in the trailer I pull. The first trip was a little nippy but we had been anticipating this all winter and so off we went!

When there are big things going on in life, big things that could really consume your mind and cause you to just stop, the little things, the family time blessings are all the more important and wonderful, especially for a Mama and her mushy heart.


Two Down

Always lovely to watch you kids succeed at those BIG lessons in life (wink). Perhaps tying shoes isn’t a big big deal but it is one of those life lessons that makes a Mama proud.

Big Girl wasn’t allowed to start grade one without knowing how to tie her shoes. It took a couple days of hard work before she was doing it with ease. That was a different school with different rules and this year I must admit I didn’t worry about my boy doing the same for his grade one year. He got Velcro shoes again in the fall but it is spring and he already needs bigger shoes. I bought him laced up shoes that are so cool he really wanted to master it.

I showed him a bit each day for the last couple days but I must admit I wasn’t as in to it with him as with Big Girl last year and kind of expected him to figure it out, especially with Big Girl trying to give lessons as well.

Yesterday, out of the blue, he came bounding up to me and proclaimed he new how to tie his shoes! I was surprised, that morning we had had trouble getting them done in time to catch the bus. He sat right down and did both shoes quick as could be.

“Wow, how did you do that?” I asked him.

“Madame taught me!” (that is what he calls his French immersion teacher).

Well I hugged him and praised him for being so smart and sighed with relief that I didn’t have to be the hero this time… let the teacher do the teaching! She must know what she is doing;)

After all, it takes a village to raise a child right?! I appreciate people who take honest and caring interest in my kids. He has such a lovely teacher.


Contraband Carbs

Food Fight!
Not the throw it around kind but the battle for the stomach and future health of my child kind!(We make our baby food around here but the above picture is one of the tricks for feeding Baby Boy that worked for me for a while, before he became a carb junkie. I would make baby food and then put it in clean jars so he thought he was getting something special.)

We have implemented a contraband on all carbs into our home… correction, all simple carbohydrates, starches really.

This is a serious intervention on behalf of our youngest. Baby Boy is a bread addict. He would eat nothing but starch foods all day. Don’t even get me started on crackers… he is a nut for crackers! If he even sees someone having one or spots a box of them he freaks out, yelling for one. With all this junk easy at hand he often gets what he wants and I have noticed his sleep, mood and diet have suffered greatly as a result. Time to step in!

For the last two days we have all had to go without for his sake. It has been tough. At first he thought he would win and just not eat but today he realised he was hungry and finally tried some of the protein and veggie items I was setting before him. THIS IS HUGE, he usually flatly refuses to even try none starch items! Anyone who has had a one year old knows you can’t make them eat stuff by force but you can take away all they want till they have to eat what remains (the good stuff). I am hopeful this will continue to go well. Watching him down the scrambled eggs lased with veggies tonight made me enthusiastic about a healthier well rounded diet future for my boy.

P.s. You should have seen the sad faces at the table last night when I informed them all they would be eating their stew without crackers in support of our cracker addict.


Lost A Tooth!

Big Boy FINALLY lost his first tooth!

His older sister had lost many by the time she was his age. This tooth was allowed to hang on for a long time. It got to the point that yesterday I barely touched it and it fell out. Big Boy was very happy that it didn’t hurt. It is so little… He is so excited and impressed. “This means I am growing up cuz I am getting big teeth!” he exclaimed. So true, the adorable baby teeth will fall out one by one… I remember how proud I was of him, and how excited I was as those sweet little teeth began to fill his baby grin… Now I am proud of him because he is growing! I am only a little less excited for the simple fact that this means he is getting older and I want him to forever be my little guy!


Waiting For A Plane

What do you do with all that energy while you wait for the airplane to land? You get your kids to color a sign. Not just any sign, THE sign that will welcome their long lost aunties into our world! ‘To show them we love them.’ said Big Girl. (she has already since taken the sign to school for show and tell!)Just Big Boy and Big Girl came to the airport with me. We where so nervous we got a drink and a donut at the airport Tim’s and sat down to watch the planes landing and departing.Big Boy was thrilled with the planes and we couldn’t believe it when he actually spotted THE plane land that carried his aunties. We all rushed to the arrival gate, sign in hand and hearts in our throats.Our reunion began. This picture is of my oldest brother meeting the actual oldest child of the clan!

(Here the kids are standing behind Papa and one of the long lost aunties. My kids where thrilled by the luggage pick up area and had to be pulled away.)

We where all full to bursting when Amber and Kathleen arrived. There where hugs and lots of talking as we all dealt with the initial confusion of actually being in one anothers midst. You see these reunions on tv all the time but to have ones own was surreal. We didn’t know how to do it or plan it but it all just went on around us… all of us just moved through it and let the reunion just come and happen.

WELCOME Amber and Kathleen to our clan!


A Touch Of Spring (Always A Good Thing For A Body)

Call it hoping… I shall officially call it reality… a body knows what spring sounds like (like chickadees and sparrows bursting in song); tastes and smells like young air; looks and feels like sunny days melting the snow into muck and rivers of water down the street!

I can’t help but take this warm weather as a sign that spring might indeed be on its way. I wouldn’t be surprised by a few more snow storms before we can dip our feet in hot sand and cool waters at the beach once again, but I will also enjoy what I get when I get it.

The doors and windows where thrown open today and the stuffy winter air was banished from our house. Even if we are snowed on again, at least we have some spring air in these walls.

Spring air is so wonderful. It makes you realize how stuffy you have been feeling all winter. It gets you dreaming and planning. My husband made me chuckle as he went on and on about summer today. I had to remind him to relax, this is just early spring, there are many months before summer yet. He was like a kid! You can’t help but feel like a kid in spring.

Speaking of kids! My children had so much fun in the yard today. They set up a table and took out some of their stuffies for the first picnic of the year… a spring picnic of snow balls and pine cones… the stuffies didn’t seem to mind the menu at all.I couldn’t help but change my blog header to a snap shot of my three oldest at play… it says it all… all about spring…


Career Woman, No, Involved Mom, YOU BET:)

It’s been about 8 years since I last worked at a library… This was my field of work but when my first of four babies arrived I gladly put it aside to be at home. Now in a place where family is available and willing to help out and the older two are in a school near by I decided to start volunteering at their school library… one, to be involved in their school world and get a feel for the atmosphere they live out so much of their day in and two, to test the waters and see what it might feel like to work again.

I loved volunteering, it felt right and very familiar and the children where adorable BUT I knew almost immediately that I am no career woman. There was so much rush and restriction threw at me and my babies right away that I felt unhappy at the thought of doing this as a job. Volunteering I can still do it when it is right for me and my babies and so that is how it, ‘my career’, will remain for a long time.

If it wasn’t part of my kids world I wouldn’t pursue this, as much as the break from the home was nice I can think of better things to do FOR ME, if you will, then to return to ‘my career’. Waters tested and this Mama was assured that her heart is still very much at home with the four little eggs in my nest!


Cooking Shows and Baby Boy

Each child is so unique you connect with them in such different ways. It is a wonderful surprise when you seek and find one of these connections.
My one year old surprised me when he climbed up on my lap as I watched a cooking show. He happily watched two cooking programs with me.
Siting perfectly still I almost didn’t notice my little lap warmer until he would point at the screen and go ‘Mmmmm!’ or ‘Ohhh wazzat?’
All the other kids could really care less about my cooking fetish but I might have a kindred spirit in this area in my Baby Boy.