All posts in Bits Of My Personality

Give Christmas

Tonight I am finishing up the initial wrapping of the Christmas gifts. Having young kids who can ‘accidentally’ spot them has taught me to wrap early to avoid worry. Most of my gifts are done up in packaging paper so my kids can spend a whole evening, later in December, coloring them and putting stickers all over them. All, even those in traditional colorful x-mas paper, are wrapped up with a ribbon of Christmas colored yarn. I just like the home-y look to it that way. The yarn makes me wrestle with my packages a bit but I don’t mind. I put the kids to bed, get a big cup of tea and go at it. If the kids are behaving themselves I love to put on the Christmas music while I am at it. Tonight I am humming away, all the lights are low and I am using candle light.

I am thinking about family as I wrap; remembering what a gift family is. I have relations who dedicate themselves to making Christmas a big celebration each year and all the way on the other end of the pendulum I have those don’t celebrate it. I love them all. No matter how you look at it holidays are about relationship. Relationship is needed in life and holidays put a spotlight on that human need. This year my family will include friends who don’t have relations near by to celebrate with, because I so believe family goes as far as your heart is willing to grow.

Most of all Christmas, in my home, is for my kids. I hope to bless them with some of their hearts desires and I also hope to broaden the desires of their hearts to beyond selfish wish lists. I am hoping we can teach them more about giving this year.

May you all GIVE some one a very Merry Christmas this year!



Tuesday mornings are my morning. I go to a women’s study at my church just after nine. My older three have been put on the bus before I leave for the study, my youngest gets a hug, a kiss and a little encouragement to go to the play room with the child care providers and I go to a room full of sisters in the Lord to sit, listen, talk at times and pray together. I practically jump out of bed each Tuesday with anticipation. At first it was all about the getting to sit alone, with no one climbing on me… sitting silently and listening but also letting my own uninterrupted thoughts dance around my mind. As the kids get older I am more and more there to dig deep, love and be loved.

Once a month we do a study at our small tables called S.P.E.C.A. It is an acronym that stands for the steps to an application based study and not a knowledge based study. As we go over our chapter and work through the simple program together we are encouraged to find a scripture that jumps out at us; something to focus on and apply for the next couple weeks. My verses have collected on my home office desk over the last year and a half. I find them there, ever waiting to be spotted when I sit down at my computer. I enjoy them all still and memories of the blessings focusing on applying them brought my way come when ever I spot them and riffle through them once again.

This weeks verse is Ephesians chapter 5 verse 10.

“Carefully determine what pleases the Lord…”

I am anticipating a challenge to my selfish nature and hoping this will add to a few things I am working through lately. I feel like it connects to my growing understanding of obedience, contentment and idolatry. Perhaps I will keep you posted. I am eager to see if this concept helps my heart learn to be less chocked by the worries, riches and pleasures of this life.


Is Every Body On A Blog Fast?

Here I am typing away on my 500th post on this blog I call my writing home. The home of pieces of my life, memories, and all that needs sorting in my head and heart.

I adore reading from peoples hearts and have been following many blogs for years. Just the last few months I have noticed a definite decline in the amount all my favorite blog authors are putting out. Are blogs out of style already? Am I the only one who didn’t hear about the call to fast from blogging? Ah please don’t see this as a complaint… if you know me as an obvious reader of yours see it as a ‘I miss you’ note:)

My heart is heavy tonight. Love is a ton of bricks some days. I must admit I am learning so much lately, feelings often are title-waves and yet I have been struggling with blogging it all out too…

May I type a little blog blessing out here for myself… and also for you too, if you are a blog author or feel called to be a future blog author?

May you be growing and loving in abundance this year.
May the words to describe this beauty of living be easy for you to collect and easier still to distribute upon the blog of your choice.
May you find refreshing clarity, peace of mind, soothing of the heart in putting pen to paper and may it be SOON:)

I need to take this sappy soul into the kitchen for some comfort food and a cup of tea. May we meet again soon friends!


Nuff Said :)

So I had a chat with Jesus yesterday. I had a chat about why I have been struggling in my prayer life… I kept it simple… and things are now on the up swing.

I had this desire, not completely wrong, to speak big beautiful words to him… to try to express in extreme poetry how much I adore him… so prayer became complicated… and then less often. I didn’t want to become religious about it but I swung too far the other way and started to neglect my side of the communication in this relationship. The silent treatment never helps a relationship so…

Lessons in prayer came my way from two unique women of the Lord.

Lady one leads the women’s study I go to each week. She is a gifted writer and a kind teacher. Each study she encourages us to keep our prayers simple. To not seek to impress or quote too much knowledge but to stay on topic. If the person wants prayer for health keep it simple, ‘Lord restore their health (nuff said)’. I have been listening to her advice for a year now and this last week I finally heard it… Oh thank you, study lady, for persevering in doing good… at just the right time your seeds are sprouting into something of harvest.

Lady two is a well known western Canadian folk/pop Christian musician who preached at our church Sunday past. She intertwined her message with her songs and so words of wisdom about prayer where knit to my soul as easily as songs and melodies are glued into my memory. We need to go to God in prayer persistently, HUNGRY and impoverished in spirit. Needing him daily to provide for our spirits, as the Israelites needed the manna daily in the dessert. Not binge eating and then skipping meals, but trusting him enough to seek out the six meals a day… an analogy for seeking him daily and not just BIG TIME now and then. We need to stop trying to do everything on our own strength. Looking to get just a pick me up or a lift from Christ isn’t living by his Spirit. If we can admit we are hungry and admit we are in need of him, as the poor of our cities are in need of food and generosity from others, we will receive.

So yesterday I explained to him why I had got overwhelmed with my own attempts at being an impressive prayer warrior. I told him in less words then that. I admitted my loneliness for him… my overwhelmed nature at trying to run things on my own… I let him into even my dark rooms of sin and trouble and I am praying again. Nuff said.


Autumn Whimsy

As I work hard at living in the moment, seizing the day if you will, I feel an improvement in my mothering. More patient, more attentive and especially more involved with my kids worlds.

Children find the whimsy in just about everything. By playing with them more outdoors I am becoming better at seeing each seasons whimsy. Autumn’s is not very difficult to spot, even for the most serious adults. Spring has only started to be delightful for me now that I invested in pock-a-dot rubber boots and get into the muck and water willingly with my kids. Winter takes effort, but once you are out and looking there is a very intense whimsy to be found. Sitting in snow banks silently, slide down hills screaming my head off and skating under the stars, all inspired by my children’s heart desires for winter fun, make the whimsy impossible to ignore. Summer has water, swimming! Summer’s whimsy is vibrant and requires sunglasses and sun screen to take without burning but it too is worth embracing like a child.

Back to autumn, for that is the season that is my NOW. The gold and red trees are warm romance to my eyes. The sun is kind and happy. The wind in nippy in only a playful way and we all get to wear scarves, little mittens and cozy but not too puffy jackets of leather and wool.

Two days ago I felt the urge to do window shopping on one of my cities old school streets that is crammed full of vehicles and people. It is a tight little street and with no indoor mall centers, so you must be a hearty sort to shop it in the winter months.

My littlest fellow and I picked up his Grandma and found our way to this street and into one of its sweet flower shops. After my sister and her daughter meet us we followed our noses to one of the oldest bakeries in the city. Meringues and cinnamon twists where devoured by all in the friendly fall sun, on a red city bench. We chatted, we ate, we people watched and then we moved on. There was hat shopping and dress gazing and mostly just looking. We where more tickled with our own little group then with the ‘stuff’ we looked at… it was about being with one another.

Down one side of the street we went till we where stopped by a cafe and their warm frothy espresso drinks. A seat by the window was perfect for our morning and its dedication to fall. Before our morning was done we found a jewelry store to explore. As I walked in I spotted two Victorian chairs that where oozing gentle fall inspiration. As I walked out I carried one of them and my sister, Mirelle, had the other chair. No jewelry for me, but, a taste of fall and Victorian times for my sitting room. We where more then chipper as we drove home with my van a little overly snug, thanks to the gold leaf cover chairs. Rosy cheeked little ones waved farewell to their Grandma as she was dropped off. Mirelle, the children and I headed home for tea time, a perfectly suited way to wrap up a fall walk.

I am so thankful for sunny fall days, for family time, for provision. I am so thankful for the maker of the seasons and the maker of all whimsy. Thank you Christ for all that my children teach me… reminding me of what I new when I was little like them.


Little Thankful Thoughts This Thanksgiving!

I feel like love and thankfulness are muscles, in a way, and we get better at them when we practice them even, and especially perhaps, under the weight of hard times.

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. ~G.K. Chesterton
I am often just thankful their isn’t another flu bug or cold in our house. I am more often thankful for the little people I call my babies. I have been thankful for Garnet since we met and I hope to learn more and more thankfulness toward MY JESUS as my life continues through what I would define as the good and the bad.


Me the Usher!

And I can now add usher to my resume (wink)! Being behind the scenes at a musical was a fun experience. Thanks to my sister I had an in to this cultured world! She was one of the nuns in this theatre groups last play, ‘The Sound Of Music’.

It felt strangely unreal for me as I sat stuffing programs. I realised I can romanticise just about anything! Here I was at the ground level of theatre culture and I had been swept into it so easily and unexpectedly. The offer came up and I grabbed it. The evenings work began and I seized the moment! I ate up every menial task! Starving artists remember their stuffing programs days, do they not? Not that I am a starving artist but I was peckish after stuffing and standing most of the evening.

The ushers leader was a feisty older woman who had a knack for being tough and hilarious all at once. I instantly liked her. When she handed me the flashlight and an usher name tag it all felt so official. I shall for ever look at ushers in a new light.

Perhaps a tad over zealously I threw myself into handing out the programs. A few times I offered the same people a second one and when I offered the stage manager one I almost laughed aloud. He looked so unimpressed with me and even huffed! His reaction make me giddy and I couldn’t help contemplating doing it again just to mess with him… but, after all, I thought better of it, I am not that brazen, I am a think and laugh at the thought kinda girl.

Seated at the back when the curtain went up, we ushers where removed in more ways then one from the actual audience. I felt set apart but also important, people asked me questions! We observed the play and the audience from a servants position.

At half time… oh theatre biz calls it intermission, my sister and I where placed at the main doors to do some bouncing… more correctly, to act as bouncers. No food or drink was to make its way in for the second act. We may have not been on stage last night but this was our opportunity to do a little acting. I don’t believe either of us are really bouncer types.

Even picking up bits of trash after the show was fun for me. This affirms I may have been over board with my enthusiasm. Above all else I felt very thrifty! It has been a goal of my sister and I, of late, to seek out clever thriftiness in life. To get into a show (we enjoy going to plays and musicals) for free by volunteering to usher was indeed cleverly thrifty!

Here’s to theatre! Here’s to being cleverly thrifty and here’s to new experiences!


When Embarrassment Is A Good Thing… (Just thinking about it.)

A little embarrassment goes a long way:) And I am not talking about the sting of it staying with you. It is strange how you can feel so very very flustered and embarrassed one moment and the next realise it was worth it. Taking ones self pride down a notch rarely is a negative.

Though we feel protected behind pride we are actually damaging ourselves, lock ourselves away from opportunities to love and be loved by others. Self pride is a wall that keeps us from getting beyond ourselves. To move beyond that wall and toward others we have to risk this thing we believe protects us.

The more that wall of pride comes down the more we see those around us clearly. We will value them more and interaction with others will lead to relationship.

Is that wall, that pride really worth being lonely? We lock out the risk but with it we also prevent relationship. If we are busy taking care of our pride we prevent others from getting to know us and often even prevent their love from reaching us.

Vulnerability leads to embarrassment, but as our pride wains our embarrassment over our own humanity will wain as well. Showing flaws, pains, true emotions and feelings for others will actually make us stronger then any wall of pride can. We will forever remain weak and vulnerable behind pride’s disguise.

I am thankful for embarrassments reminder that pride is not ever a decent replacement for love. Love makes me reflect on the truth that Christ is love incarnate.


Autumn Walks and Bearded Dragons

(Yes this is a picture from last fall… with no camera I have to try to enjoy my favourite season without picture taking and so I have been looking through last years collection.)

Baby Boy, Riddick and I walked the big kids to the bus. As the bus pulled up my littlest guy yelled ‘LOOK a clue!’… he had been watching “Blue’s Clues” just this morning so I suppose he was still hunting down clues. It was so lovely that we walked slowly home kicking at leaves and talking about the wind… Baby Boy doesn’t like the wind… “Iz nice out Mama. Iz windy dow.”

We had to kick around at home for a while before going for our walk. We had decided to go to ‘Tumble Weed’, a thrift store just down our street, but it wouldn’t be open till ten and we where home by 8:30. When we did head out Riddick had to stay home so we could shop. My boy lead the way and so we took it very very very slow. I was such a well behaved Mama today and even pointed out possible distractions for him. “Look honey a big bunch of leaves! Throw them at me!”
Some how we still arrived at Sherbrook half an hour before the store was going to open!

Thank goodness for Bonny and Clyde! They are the residents bearded dragons and are still little and very social. They where watching my little man just as much as he was watching them. The lady who takes care of them noticed how nice Baby Boy was being and so showed him how she gives them a bath. “It is more of a shower,” she explained as she sprayed them down with a little spritzer bottle. They obviously thought it was cold as she blinked at her and tried to get away from the spray. She then set out their morning salad and we enjoyed watching their sticky tongues pop out and snatch food. She then got them to jump for us, a cute trick of theirs and petted them and carried them cradled in her hand. You could tell they just loved her, for as soon as her hand was in the pen they ran and climbed up her, even rubbing at her wrist almost like a cat or dog would. One of the few lizards awake during the day and even friendly when wild I could see why they where a popular pet. We decided we will have to come visit them again.

We did a little shopping and my little man found a noisy 50 cent truck while I was tickled over the two pretty tea cups I got (only a buck each). As we left Baby Boy thanked the volunteer at the store and said good bye to everyone we passed. He is a very friendly guy to all the residents there and we will have to pop in more often.

Walking home was just as slow but also just as lovely. Crisp fall air, beautiful colors and me and my boy holding hands meant I was in no hurry to get home. By the way we where home before eleven and so still have so much more loveliness, in this day, yet to come.


Honest Family Meetings

Honestly just be honest:)

(The family meeting assembly, even the dog is welcome to attend.)

We started having family meetings a few years back. It was instated as family habit when we realised the kids where old enough to get it, and we where all needing to talk about more as our needs became different and more complicated. Often they are called when we feel like the kids aren’t getting enough time to share with us… more often they are called when communication and cooperation have broken down between us and the kids and so we need to remind everyone of the rules and lay down some punishments when needed.

The meetings are always based around one statement that has been essential to running this crew and that is ‘we are a big family and MUST work together and help out so that everything runs smoothly and for the betterment of all.’ At the meetings everyone gets time to share concerns and just stuff… even our two year old… who usually just talks about Lightning McQueen or the adventures of some other favourite character. Everyone is allowed to say exactly what they feel before things are resolved and dealt with. We all practice sharing and also listening in this way.

Last meeting I shared that I don’t like birthday parties. To my surprise all the kids replied was ‘we knew that already mom’. I explained how I just wish we could come up with something that still makes them feel special but doesn’t involve so much expense, stress and creativity… I am not a creative birthday party mommy. The idea of a sleep over with one friend after a day of playing and a cake and present time came up and all the kids loved it.

Well that was easier then I thought it would be…

In a matter of minutes something I had been wrestling with for some time had been resolved. The kids then wanted to direct the meeting toward school stories they had to share. That was it! The conflict I had felt, the stress, the worry about letting my kids down was all washed away and I realised they where fine with the truth and so should I. Don’t have to be like all the party planning mama’s out there, who are gifted in that area. I am different; my kids know it and like that about me.

Why am I feeling like writing this today? Well I just survived my last planned and themed birthday bash, relying heavily on my husband to help me through it, and I am super happy it is the last. Keeping it simple from here on in:)

Feeling thankful for our family meetings, for open communication with my kids and for being different and having kids who don’t mind that at all.