After a heavy hitter week I fell into loving my family for the weekend. We had faced scary days at school, emotions at an all time high at home and death of a YOUNG sister in the Lord. Although the whole weekend was a whimsical reminder of Christmas’s approach, Sunday was particularly sparkly with special moments.
My sister performed in a jazz choir concert the day before, so I was already full to spilling with Christmas tunes in my heart when I arrived at church for a music service Sunday. With the special service all about ‘hope’ I must have cried and smiled the whole way through. The music was so moving and the message such a strong supportive embrace to my raw little spirit.
A cozy road trip followed as we trucked out to my before mentioned sister’s place. We had three BIG reasons to celebrate with them and so stopping to get them chocolates was in order. My eldest daughter insisted on the ‘joy’ Christmas tree decoration for them too. Her and I agreed it was applicable in such a case, a triple celebration kinda case! Our two families shared ‘non-sissy sushi’, yup, the real deal! We chatted, laughed and toured their lovely new condo.
We hadn’t made it back to the city when we managed to arrange a stop in to my brother’s home. We had hopes of meeting his doubly expanding family and dropping off a special little someone some toy trucks. It was a blessing to find time to drop in on more family. Time that was squeezed right in and worked out just right.
What a tired crew we where as we finally arrived back home. A small cold supper and big mugs of tea where in order. I got my crew of four tucked into bed and then found the LAST shortbread cookie. Feet up, lights down, except the Christmas tree.
Sighs and tears escaped me as Christmas sentiment settled into my heart and I reflected on a week of pain and love. SO much blessing! Such a mysteriously marvellous combination of pain and love life is. Thank you Jesus for it all. For the rain and for the sunny day. Times of struggle and rejoicing educate us in such essential and different ways; giving and growing us so very very much. All that is good comes from you and you are so good to me Jesus.