All posts in Bits Of My Personality

PROVERBS 8:22-31

Read this in my study time yesterday and it moved me. I am an admirer of thing old fashioned, I am drawn to things ancient, I am happy as a student of history so this portion of Proverbs struck true to my heart.

Think about it and let me know what you come up with… I understand this is WISDOM crying out in the streets and yet so much of it felt like a sweet prophetic kiss from my Lord…secrets about love seem to lurk here…

v.22 The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way,
Before his works of old.
v.23 I have been established from everlasting,
From the beginning, before there was even an earth.v.24 When there were no depths I was brought forth,
When there were no fountains abounding with water.v.25 Before the mountains were settled,
Before the hills, I was brought forth;
v.26 While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields,
Or the primal dust of the world.
v.27 When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,v.28When He established the clouds above,
When He strengthened the fountains of the deep,
v.29 When He assigned to the sea its limits,
So that the waters would not transgress His command
When He marked out the foundations of the earth,
v.30 Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;
And I was daily His delight,
Rejoicing always before Him,
v.31 Rejoicing in His inhabited world,
And my delight was with the sons of men.

Blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ to you all:)

Iced Tea

This is not a picture of what I am up to right now… I am drinking an iced tea, however. The similarities stop there. That day I was on the patio with my feet up watching the kids play. Tonight I am baking bread, in the evening, with a big old fan working hard to pull the cool evening air into my killer hot kitchen.

My man made me a creamy iced cold roobois tea tonight! That sweetness from my man deserves a blog nod! Thank you honey! It is making it easier to get my 8 loaves through!

Bread day doesn’t stop for the summer. I still have to get my weekly batch through… so I mix it before the heat of the day, pound it down the majority of the day and then cook it once the sun goes down in an attempt to not get too hot in this unairconditioned old house of ours.

I am working hard wearing my fav cowgirl hat and thinking about the wonderful summer day that has just fallen asleep. All four of babies are playing down stairs where it is cool… too hot to sleep in their rooms yet and they napped all afternoon (FOUR HOURS) so they deserve a late night. They are on storm watch! Any minute now a storm is going to roll in. The clouds have been coming all day and the thunder is starting to make itself heard. I plan to pop another couple loaves in the oven and sit at the big window with the kids while we watch the lightning.

What is this post about? Love of course:)

P.s. BOY did we get a storm! Wind whipping our pine trees around, rain coming down in sheets and then hail, constant lightening and every now and then a boom of thunder that send shivers down every one’s spine. There was one crack right over our house that made my husband jump back from the window (he loves storms) and sent Baby Boy screaming madly and running blindly across the house… we think he meant to find Daddy who was in the kitchen but he really seemed to just go off like a rocket with no specific target in mind… he was just SCARED! Baby Boy didn’t let Daddy put him down, after that one, till the storm was over. We all stayed up late till it had passed. It was an amazing storm!


Father’s Day!

I really like Father’s Day.
Probably because I really like my Dad and my husband.
Probably because I respect my Father in law as a dad and a super grandpa and my brothers and my brother in law as great dads to their girls.
Basically I like father’s day a lot because Dad’s rock and I have so many good examples of that around me.
(Garnet and his brother kicking back while, as you can see in the below picture, Grandpa does the work. Pop is teaching the kids to play boccie.)

Today heard a preacher’s message, of course, about fathers. I was again not surprised at how it was uncomfortable at points… because there is something lurking in our society, an undercurrent that is unafraid to go nuts on the praise for moms but almost feels guilty if they do the same for dad. It can even leak into church… I think it is distasteful to have this oil slick in our society, spreading into all our ideas about Dads.

My Dad rocks. He sacrificed much for us. We where his best pals growing up and he always put us ahead of friends or at least took us with when he occasionally did stuff with friends. HE LOVED including us and could even wear us out with his enthusiasm FOR US. He showed us how to live life like an adventure! He taught us to value people above stuff, and above all else value Jesus Christ. He so clearly loves his kids!My Husband rocks. He gives so much of himself. He has willingly changed and grown to be a deliberately better dad. Garnet understands it is about TIME with the kids! He also doesn’t listen to dad labels. He is his own version based on what he feels the kids need from him. Not old fashioned to the point of putting work above his kids or not valuing the importance of affection and time that a dad must give to his kids to be truly effective… and not too modern to require respect from them and put consequences in play when needed.

(My man and I at the river today.)

God didn’t call himself our Father because they are not as great as Mom’s. Abba Father isn’t meant to be underrated… He knows dads are important and most are awesome and so as I appreciate and adore my Father in Heaven I hope I can show enough appreciation to the dads I know, doing their best, down here:)Women crave appreciation, I sure do, so why not give it to our men!? I know the beautiful moms around me would totally agree!


A Couch and A Water Heater Spell Romance At Our House

Our tenth anniversary came and went, not quietly for we had a big party and vow renewal. BUT we didn’t really focus on a gift for one another from one another.

I was sitting on my new couch the other day and realized it had been nicely delivered just two days before our big day… so I now call it my anniversary gift. I guess I got Garnet a hot water heater because just days before the ceremony we had to replace our now dead one.

The whole buying gifts thing seems easily confusing once married. Really truth be told I bought myself the couch with what I save of my baby cheques and Garnet bought the water heater. I guess we both enjoy each very much so it doesn’t really matter. I feel like as long as we are providing for one anothers needs we are always gift giving:)

(The other piece of furniture to replace the old blue set that went to the basement family room.)


What I Need is More Kids!

I figured that title would get the attention of some, especially family;)I spent the day trying to shake the blues… it was raining and although I love the rain I have a little storm going on in my house that makes even the fresh spring rains hard to take. Baby Boy has taken to yelling all day. A miserable, angry, discontent, complaining kinda sound is all I get from him lately. A couple days of this and I feel like I have never been so tired.

It is amazing how mental strain and noise can really wipe you out! At the same time I have been so inactive (because all he wants is to be held) I think my body might just take off at a run without me! We sit on the couch so much together I get desperate and start walking him around, while I try to do choirs and HE IS HEAVY! If I have to walk the floors with this big kid for one more hour my feet will retire and look for other work! My back is gonna lock up any time now! It happened with Big Boy at this age! He got SO big and wouldn’t let me put him down until I had no choice. My back locked up half way to bending down towards him and that was that… Mommy had to give him, and herself some tough love and stop the constant pampering.

It is so hard to ignore my Baby Boy, he is my last baby for crying out loud! Seriously, I cry out loud about that some times still! So I figure if I just got me another kid younger then Baby Boy he would have to toughen up like the other three had too… but then I suppose you can’t go with that plan for ever and the needy toddler will be a cycle that just continues to be repeated…

My husbanded showed great sympathy on the phone today… he didn’t try to fix it or question me on what I am doing wrong, he just understood. That is all a tired out Mama needs now and then, some compassion and understanding. Points for Garnet!

Ha ha ha, oh it felt good to complain! Have a great day!

P.s. It doesn’t help that I am going through ‘Chuck’ withdrawal… it is a TV show we bought a season one DVD for and now that we finished the season I am resorting to watching clips of it on the Internet!


Makes Me Think Of

When I look at the river I will always remember this verse and when I think of this verse I will always remember my cities river.

“Thou flowing water pure and clear,
make music for thy Lord to hear,
Alleluia, Alleluia!”

-All Creatures of Our God and King-



Fresh rhubarb from my mother in laws yard delivered to my door.
Boiled with water and some organic sugar in my grandmother Katherine’s large pot.
A beautiful stew of rhubarb warm and pink.
Served over vanilla frozen yogurt with a touch of bright organic cinnamon on top.
A moment to my self while I savor it.

I adore rhubarb season:)


Hope Is A Warm Rain

We have had what feels like WEEKS of rain… I love rain but it was getting pretty cold and we even had to put the heat on again, grrrr. Two days of warm sunshine and it is raining again… but… this rain is different, it is still pretty warm out so I have the windows open and I am listening to the rain drops and the happy birds. I don’t know why but a warm rain feels comforting to me. If I could find a way to wrap myself up in a warm rain I would.

Rain, two sleeping kids and a beautiful touching song on the radio left me sitting in my van long after I had arrived home. I let the song play out and listened to the rain on the van roof; the babies slept on for a while longer. I felt something break a bit… I felt a shield of anger crack and a bit of hope felt warm in my chest.

One thing I have learned about myself this year is that I use ANGER as my ultimate mask and shield when I am feeling things so strong I am afraid of them. I know better then to let that take over now that I see it for what it is but… well… cranky is a miniature version of the same thing I think…

I had been dealing with a worry of mine by getting cranky, looking for any excuse really, so I could ignore what I was actually feeling and I was good at it! So good that I just thought I was simply cranky. Yesterday I started praying for the crankiness to move along because I felt like I couldn’t budge it on my own. That brings me back to my pause in the van…

Hope, that I could stop being cranky and cynical about all that surrounds this worry, has started to emerge. Cranky, anger, call it what you will, is a new type of numbness for me… ( used to do the no emotions shield till I felt so dried up it hurt).

Hope felt good, it hurt because it came with truth but truth is a good hurt… a healing hurt… it felt like the warm rain and I want to just wrap myself up in hope…

Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the LORD.
PSALMS 31,24


When In Winnipeg

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
~Douglas Pagels

My excuse to travel by train to Winnipeg was this beautiful woman in white! My long time friend, from college days, GOT MARRIED!

Oh such a classy wedding and perfectly her style. Lovely. Planned out but also fun and relaxing.

As I waited for her to be walked down the isle by her dad I wondered if I was going cry the whole way threw or burst with joy, I love weddings! Turned out to be a little of both wedding… I tried not to cry too much because everyone else seemed to be holding themselves together.

First year of college… after a few weeks in school I some how got up enough nerve to ask her, via email (I know, so lame) if she was a … Christian too. I can’t help but smile at how difficult the idea of making friends was for me back then. I must have come across as silly and was so worried about appearing so but she put up with me.

Second year of college… I was so desperate to find someone to stand up for me at my wedding that I asked her even though we certainly weren’t that close yet. Again she put up with me…

Years went by and I left that socially devastated person behind and determined to be available for my adventurous friend. I am SO thankful for how she keeps reappearing in my life. I know she is a blessing straight from God because often she has spoken into my life and been part of good changes in me threw her words.

A gem, someone who I know will not say good bye to me no matter how far away we physically are from one another.

No matter how much we both change we seem to just continue to gel and for this I am thankful!

Much love and CONGRATS to ‘the traveler and her man!
May you have many many years together, blessed with a deep content love!


Winnipeg Adventure

I like Winnipeg!
Got a mini tour the night I arrived. A friend drove me to my girl friends apartment and on the way gave me a guided tour through many of the nice parts of the city. The forest in the middle of the city is so special! I was impressed! The Parliament buildings where beautiful and there where so many interesting neighborhoods to explore.

(It was very refreshing to walk everywhere.)

We mostly stayed in the down town area after that initial tour. That is where the train station was, the wedding and our hotel. All where near to the forks too so I got to explore them with my brothers family one of the mornings.

(Karla and I on the tower at the forks.)

So the tower was perhaps one of our adventures, although not a fav of mine. The tower was attached to a beautiful craft/ fresh goods kind of market. It was glass and that didn’t impress me. I didn’t need to see all the way down all the time. When we got to the top I was pretty sure smudgy pictures of the scenery, from the inside of the tower, where fine but my big brother managed to convince me to check out the ledge. He smirked and said ‘say fear of heights’ as he took this above picture of his wife and I.We walked to a mall, after the forks, and on the way it really started to rain. I had a blast running from over hang to over hang with my brother and his family. We would wait for the street light to change to walk and come bursting out again and run to beat the band across the street and straight to another over hang. Got totally wet anyhow:)

By the end of the trip I felt comfortable with the underground mall (the cities way of crossing many of the busy streets) and the sky ways, not really sure what they call them, that connect the buildings down town by going over streets. The last day there I even went and did a little shopping on my own, before the train departed. Found a few dresses and almost got carried away trying them on. Got two out of the bunch for a real good deal but almost missed the train in the process. I did not look cool running like a mad woman back to the hotel and then to the station. Sweaty and tired when I got there I was also thankful because I made it just in time. It was all good though, I knew I would have lots of down time on the train after all that.

(I was huffing and puffing when I took this picture of a government building on the way to the station.)

I would for sure enjoy going back!