There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
~Jane Austen
All posts in Bits Of My Personality
Chasing Woodpeckers, Getting Told off By Starlings and Chatting with Chickadees
Woodpeckers are cute but destructively infatuated with cedar siding. On any given day any one of us will be seen, and probably heard, running out to yell and scare off these bug eating hole making birds. I wish I had some deep metaphor to use the woodpeckers in and perhaps a way they are helping grow me into a better person… I got nothing though…
Prairie Summer So Brief
Summer was honestly a blur… a blur composed of an often unbalanced mix of study and play…the kids and I trying to daily work on our French and still make time to take hold of that delicious summer freedom.
Studies & Bike Abouts
Sometimes I open my text book and I panic. The thought bursts into my mind that I AM TOO OLD TO LEARN… to be more accurate, the thought is more complex and more like I HAVE BEEN A MOM FOR 13 YEARS AND HAVEN’T HAD TO STUDY IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE AND MIGHT NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THIS ANY MORE! I am sure many parent’s (at home full time and not) have thought parenthood has shrunken or (my personal favourite descriptive) melted ones brain! Or perhaps it is just me (insert d’oh and frowny face here). Mom is gonna carry on though… set an example for the kids… and all that such stuff… but first I close the text book after I have panicked and go for a bike ride. Continue reading →
Extrovert In Me?
Can being less busy actually make you more extroverted? Can being bombarded with busyness make one an introvert? Moving has been a literal step back for me. Settling meant all the stuff keeping me busy before has had to take a back seat. Moving away from the city means all the ways city life is good at keeping one busy is now optional for me. I don’t have to face it day after day and I can be more myself without fighting to be myself. I am happily in no hurry to take up the rush again, to join the flow of DOING and GOING. I am totally okay with being ordinary and with my kids just slowly frittering away the summer. I am a townie and living in a town has made me feel more like ME again! Continue reading →
The Grumpy Family and Loving Us All Through It!
Who knew being excited and happy could be so exhausting?! After living here for a little over three months I realise we have a lot more adjusting to go through and although we are so thrilled to have moved we are also strained by it. Continue reading →
We Are HERE!
Here we are. We are townies. A good six months of almost daily house showings and we have gotten beyond the selling of a city home, beyond the moving of a big family, beyond settling in to a new home. Here we are…we are HERE! Continue reading →
Waiting to Breath
It has been a while since I indulged my eye and heart in my passion for the little things in life… Continue reading →
When she asked me to join her in doing a 5 k, my husband advised me to say yes before I thought myself out of it. And he was right. I would have found an adequately deep rooted internal conflict to make me back away from a new adventure in life. Often we can see uneasy growth coming from a mile away… in this case I saw it 5 k away… I had enough desire to move beyond my self inflicted limitations to say yes and leave the thinking for later.
Riddick’s Blood Pressure
They insist that contact between dog and owner is healthy for both. Now I love my fox terrier but I feel like we are both just too up tight to really be lowering one another’s blood pressure.