All posts in Bits Of My Personality

Jogging With Riddick

(My dog and I ready for our morning run.)

Most know that in the past I have always maintained I HATE to run… Well I started running… for Riddick and because of Riddick, can’t imagine running each morning without his company.

He had so much energy that it just seemed unfair to make him walk on the leash all the time. We don’t get to the dog park as much as I want, that is where he can really run. So I started jogging behind him to use up more of his energy each walk. At first I was in pain and the one who was most warn out but after two weeks of doing a little bit with him each day I can occasionally ware him out.

Yesterday was my first day of coming home and feeling good thanks to the run and today I really was eager to get a good work out in. I actually had to pull him on the leash a bit to get him to keep jogging with me.

I have to admit I finally see why people are so into this, I don’t think I will ever be an impressive runner but I saw results so quickly as far as strength building that I see the appeal now.


Nap Luv

I can’t help it, it is genetic! My mother always relished a snug afternoon nap and so do I. Today’s was particularly delicious because of the company. I stretched out on my pretty pink couch and looking over spotted two nap pals that where just as warm curled up in the sun as I. Little Woman hasn’t been as loyal a napper of late and so she surprised me with no protest today… My dog, well he was so cute I couldn’t ignore him either. It sure is hard to resist talking about my dog too much! He is such a darling addition to our family and as long as he continues to happily partake in nap hour he will easily win my heart.


My Autumn Hat

I so enjoy a new hat. A good hat that looks fabulous on makes me feel put together in a moment. This sweet little grey number is my first hat in this color. It felt like fall to me thanks to its soft and cozy material as well as its relaxed fit.

It is very important to try many hats on when trying to pick one. The one for you is almost never the one that looks really pretty on the hat hook… unless you have an eye for hats because you are a seasoned hat collector. I found this hat in a book store. While most around me where busy burrowing through the book collection I was busy trying on every hat they had on display.

Since it feels like a fast favorite I’ve decided to start sharing my best hats on here under the ‘little things’ label. Watch for more and may you all find a hat that is right for you!


Canis Familiaris Community ;)

Owning a farm dog wasn’t like this at all. As with most things, it is very different to own a dog in the city compared to owning in a rural setting.

Found the dog owner community in my city very easy to jump into. Go to the dog park a couple times, with your dog, and you are in. There are a few different off leash parks in our city and that is where Riddick really proves he is a dog. Walking around our neighborhood doesn’t compare. He is so happy off his leash, running with the Great Danes and Huskies (he doesn’t know he is a little guy) and flirting with that beautiful Newfoundlander and that graceful Greyhound girly.I was able to get away with him each day this weekend. We caught a ride with a close friend and her Lab pup Jazz… quick stop at Tim’s and off we went to follow the prairies along the river. Saturday was breathtaking as we went out and watched the sun come up. Spotted a fox and enjoyed watching some deer jump a fence. Sunday we went close to sunset, which is rather early already. There where way more other dogs to distract my boy but he did pretty good. My girlfriend and I managed to scurry down to the river bank and then enjoyed letting the dogs swim and run along a natural beach. We had to find another way up because we had barely made it down the muddy steep bank so going up wasn’t gonna happen but oh we laughed about how silly we must have looked following our dogs down a much too treacherous trail. I breath so easy out there, away from the city. I appreciate how Riddick is pulling me out of my routen and my city life mentality. Even taking him to the cities only self serve doggy wash yesterday was a joy for me. I am comfortably jumping into a dog owner lifestyle and finding it is making me a more relaxed individual…

Riddick is great but he is just part of the blessings, part of something sweet working in my heart. The Lord is teaching me so much lately about really being his. Through walks with Riddick, a rock concert I attended lately, and a ladies study I am partaking in I am seeing a reoccurring encouragement to let go of my self glory and instead live as the moon, reflecting the sun’s glory. I am finding so much quiet time lately, where did it come from? So many moments of hearing from God and so much hope and joy for where things are going.


Foodie Like Me?

Any body else out there a foodie?

Garnet and I have been called ‘sugar hippies’ and I get ‘granola girl’ but I think I favor the term foodie.

I have been playfully throwing this term around the kitchen, the dining room and even the grocery store for that matter. This slang has many different definitions but one specifically suits my man and I.

Slang in Cookery– a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of good food.

Garnet and I enjoy food and most related topics. We get far to enthusiastic as we share new found favorites. Our beaming faces seem almost cartoonishly over done to many around us who just don’t get it. For me the enthusiasm stems from years of struggling with an appetite that would just dry up and my husband has so many diet limiting health issues that we had to start researching new ideas and options. So when you come from that kind of a problematic relationship with food whenever you discover GOOD FOOD you get pretty worked up.

If there are any foodies like me reading this lets together draw our attention to the posted photo atop my article. I have returned to the habit of making myself espresso each morning. Using my stove top Italian espresso perk makes it a little bit more work but I always end up smiling at my steaming black yum in a cup all the more, so it is worth it! The treat of choice with my yum cup is presently ‘Sahale Snacks’ biscotti crisps. They are sweet enough to aid the espresso down but not too sweet, I have a growing dislike of sugar. With walnuts, banana and dark chocolate hiding in amidst the crisp one is bound to find something new to ‘mmmmmmmm’ about in each bit, provided you don’t in hail them too quickly. Espresso anyone?

If you have a minute you should think about food and not just eat it, it might lead to a lot of fun!

P.s. I think I sense a new blog label coming on…


For Chopping Nuts

For four dollars I got this adorable little chopper. It should chop and whip with style. A steep climb up in price from the 50 cent nut chopper I got at a yard sale about ten years ago. This is so pretty though and the blades aren’t dull like the old one, and the top doesn’t pop off like the old one… so I think it was a good choice to pay a little more for something a little less warn out. It was the collection of sweet colors on the shelf that caught my eye and then the sale price was next. What a struggle it was to narrow my choice down to one color. I almost bought the chocolate one as well just because it made the blue look all the more impressive…but I suppose that would be just silly…


More Elbow Grease Means Less Nattering

This mommy is thankful for the end of all the nattering between the children.
This mommy is thankful for the clean floors on the main level of the house.
This mommy is thankful for the elbow grease of each of her grumpy kids that cleaned those floors and in the process ended the nattering between them.

This mommy is oh so thankful most of all for some quiet in the house. The kids sure remember fast how to get along once Mommy produces a list of things she can find for them to do.


My Next Step

I am very excited, nervous excited… so excited I feel so nervous!

My next step in life fell in my lap… here it is and I have no time to digest the idea of it, so I suppose I will learn as I go. Starting tomorrow I am working again. Not outside of the home, thankfully. The schedule isn’t totally decided yet but it all starts now.

This is very much outside of my comfort zone, I have been home full time, with no work on the side for nine years.

Did I mention we might be getting a dog this week too? We have waited a long time to get a dog, wanting it to be the right time to introduce pets into our family. In the same week we become dog owners and I become a working mom again.

Life is full of steps and you don’t have very much choice about when the next stepping stone will come along… Here I go… However this all works out it will be a new experience!


Are We There Yet?

(Our youngest hasn’t even mastered the tricycle and yet we have to keep reminding him his oldest sister’s bike is too big for him.)

How come the desire to run ahead causes me to desire the comfort of the past? The human condition has not changed since time began and I am not immune to it.

I have been letting myself go into a dark mood the last day or so and I wasn’t totally sure of the cause. Impatience is my newest suspicion.

We left our comfortable town because that was no longer where God wanted us. I have since let the idea that he has other plans for us, completely different from our own wash over me. So I thought I would be fine with it all now… now that I knew he had big things in store I was focused, well mostly focused, and for sure excited… but then nothing happened, or so I felt, for the last year, I developed impatience. After all, we left so lets start getting somewhere!

I started toying with the idea of how ‘things where better when’ … when we weren’t in line with God’s plan for our life… is that what I was thinking? Oh brother I am acting like the people of God when they got feed up and wanted to go back to Egypt! I honestly know there is no going back for me but… …

Thankfully the Lord never leaves me to my human conditions devices. Yesterday a speaker at a study I attended reminded me of Davids years of hiding from Saul and waiting for the kingdom he was already given by God. Those supposed wasted years where years of great learning. Our Lord is really good at giving us times to adjust, learn and grow into what is to come.

If I think about it really hard and stop being so worked up about what is ahead I realize we are growing here. When I stop thinking about the past with rose colored glasses I can see the good going on in the now.

I so appreciate the artistic minds, blessed by Christ, that turn these human experiences into word and song! It is no coincidence that these songs find me when I need to hear them… today the Spirit of the Lord lead me to a Sara Groves song. Click on the below link to read the whole thing.

Again it is time to get along with the truth and kick out the mood. And so I wait on the Lords timing.


Music Takes You Back

Feel free to click on the link to my husbands music page, it is on the side bar of my blog. He just recently remastered his two posted songs and the lullaby he wrote for our fourth child gets me every time. I find it so romantic that my man would put his artistic nature to work on something for me and my baby.

Just recently, with Baby Boy turning two, I have been struggling with missing my babies. I imagine them so warm and small in my arms again… I think about how soft and delicate they all where… That song is a bitter sweet blessing, sometimes feeling like to much to listen to. The lullaby brings me right back, in the blink of an eye, in the amount of time it takes to play and hear the first few notes, to when we brought our boy home and to that time when my man began composing the piece. It soothed our baby boy so much and even now it is helping to sooth me by gifting me with an easy passage back to memories of my babies.