Sentimental? Yes, my family had an old record player and a varied collection of records. I think we all enjoyed listening to it well into our teen years! I am a romantic and so I love old things and record players have been on my mind since I saw the beautifully packaged new records at my local book store… ‘I can get (enter fav new artist here) on vinyl!!’ Vinyl Cafe is a family fav radio show in our house and… well… for many sentimental reason’s spotting that rack of new vinyls sparked a vinyl on the brain week.
Now, how can I make this practical??
Well of course it is practical to own something that suits my decor! Since I have a traditional and off kilter old fashioned in my own way living room of course I can’t have a stereo or i-pod station! It simple wouldn’t go! I would have to cover it, shamefully, with a doily as I have with my husbands electric piano. I must go with my decor and get a record player!
Who am I trying to convince? Well my husband of course (enter big grin and eyelash flutter here).