All posts in Bits Of My Personality

Sentimental and Practical

Sentimental? Yes, my family had an old record player and a varied collection of records. I think we all enjoyed listening to it well into our teen years! I am a romantic and so I love old things and record players have been on my mind since I saw the beautifully packaged new records at my local book store… ‘I can get (enter fav new artist here) on vinyl!!’ Vinyl Cafe is a family fav radio show in our house and… well… for many sentimental reason’s spotting that rack of new vinyls sparked a vinyl on the brain week.

Now, how can I make this practical??

Well of course it is practical to own something that suits my decor! Since I have a traditional and off kilter old fashioned in my own way living room of course I can’t have a stereo or i-pod station! It simple wouldn’t go! I would have to cover it, shamefully, with a doily as I have with my husbands electric piano. I must go with my decor and get a record player!

Who am I trying to convince? Well my husband of course (enter big grin and eyelash flutter here).


Celtic Princess

A Bit Of Me

Honestly, I love to blog, I love to write. As a child I wrote constantly and through high school and college I lost touch with it, other then my constant journaling. When I discovered blogging I rediscovered a great joy of mine! I feel like I get my own brain space when I escape motherly duties long enough to type away. Sometimes I find a picture like the one above and want terribly to tell you something related to it. Often the story or interesting connection comes and other times I am left sitting and contemplating what to write for lengths of time… either way I love the game…. the playful mind game that is writing, grabbing the lightning fast thoughts and pining them down with pen to paper or finger tips to keys.

A Bit Of Her

The photo is, of course, of my sweet third born child, Little Woman, so enough about me…

My little Celtic princess:) Your pet name turns to lassie as I pull this dress over your head. I like buttoning up its field flower buttons, tying its big ribbon at the back and flaring out the big warm skirt for you. I can’t help but do your hair in the ‘princess style’ that I did for years on your older sister, specifically when she wore this same garb. You always smile big for me when I put it on and even though it isn’t your favorite (that would be the pink one with strawberries on it… interestingly enough also your sisters favorite at this age) you humor me and wear this dress often. I think you enjoy how warm it is this time of year and you are wise… you enjoy the joy I take in it, on you.

A bright Celtic princess still abides in my house.
My bonny lassie, my little lady,
in her dress dancing and prancing about.
She’s pretty and sweet and thoughtfully strong.
In the hearts of mine and her daddy’s, forever is never too long.
Dear lassie, remain always this way for me.



Sometimes I just wanna start over
Cuz everything looks like a wreck
And I need the courage to carry on
Cuz I can’t see what’s ahead

And there are places I’ve wished I could be
Battles I’ve wanted to win
Dreams that have slipped through my hands
I may never get back again

But I’m still a dreamer
A believer
Oh, I lost my faith in so many things
But I still believe in You
Cuz You can make anything new

lyrics – The Redeemer by Sactus Real

I have to trust in the promise and believe in the truth that Christ can make anything new, for no one fails me as badly as myself.


Bread Day Trumps The Dreary Day

It has been a good year for bread making. There seems to always be one dreary day a week. These days are crying out for cheerful bellies full of fresh bread. Even if I can’t find the motivation to leave the house I know I can be productive enough by getting the weekly 8 loaves done.

Pounding the dough first thing in the morning wakes me up and is a good work out. I then feel great anticipation as I gently place it in my grandmothers extra large bread bowl and wrap it. It is wrapped in my precious (and otherwise now unused) baby blankets. Cute and cozy the dough sits above the dish washer (where it is toasty warm) rising nicely while the washer chugs away. Panning the bread is done by happy hands, thankful to be productive on a dull and gloomy day.

In spite of the evening closing in, the house turns golden warm as the oven heats up and I rush each batch in and out . Extra little hands are eager to help me at this point as they all want to get their teeth into at least one loaf while it is still warm. However, I always insist they wait until the cooling process under the damp towels is done. With a heart full to bursting at another victoriously domestic day I bag the loaves and march them off to the freezer… while my family cuts into the sacrificial ‘tester’ loaf and gushes over its taste and texture.

At present, I am barely past the making of the dough stage and just the thought of our weekly home made bread routine playing out has put a smile on my face.


Favorite Verse of Octobers Hymn

IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN! And only a couple more hymns till it is all done! I am still in the process of picking my hymn for this month. Hope to have it up soon. I must say, being near the end has made it harder for me to narrow down which ones I really want to get in before I am done. I am really cherishing this project… and who knows, perhaps I will put up a recording of one of the hymns, just my version sorta thing… perhaps.

Octobers hymn was so meek and sweet and I felt like holding each verse gently in my hands and not letting them go… may they be written on my heart.

According to Thy gracious word,
In meek humility,
This will I do, my dying Lord,
I will remember Thee.


Only Love Can Do This!

My children drive me to my knees to pray in two very different ways. In the days of joy and peace I feast my eye on the beautiful little things in this mommy world of mine and bending my knees in prayer I express thankfulness and amazement at all my blessings. Days of struggle and stress with my children send me falling to my knees in search of help and comfort.

It has been a week of loving so much it hurts. Struggles in each little child’s life surround me! They all need me at the same time and all reject my loving hand of discipline and guidance at the same time. It has been so tiring I fell asleep for four hours yesterday in the middle of the day!

Today I found the determination to enjoy the day in spite of it all. Put on some Carolyn Arends acoustic music. Finally put the cheep little chocolate bars away, that are so readily available thanks to the last ridiculous holiday, they where making me feel worse anyhow… Took the time and prepared a walnut salad, goat cheese on my favorite crackers and a little bubbly. Being my mothers daughter I put my bubbly in a pretty wine glass even though it wasn’t the real thing. I sat and ate and sipped and felt just special enough to get on with the good fight.

I plan to spend more time on my knees waiting for some clear guidance for each child, in hope that my parenting ability will not reach a limit and I will be thanking Jesus for the strength that I already feel welling up within me, the strength to keep loving even when it hurts.


Baby Boy’s Hair Cut

Baby boy is two and today he finally had his first REAL hair cut. I have been doing my best to keep it off his neck and ears as it grew out for the last couple years. Today I decided I finally wanted to see how he would look all cleaned up. Perhaps it was because it is so warm for November, the snow is all gone again and it felt like a second fall! Perhaps it is because it is just so easy to go on a sunny walk down the block to the local salon. Perhaps it is because they are so cute once they have fresh cuts. Perhaps it is because Little Woman loves the salon and when I mentioned we could walk down and get her a hair cut she was thrilled, the jumping up and down kinda thrilled.

Hand in hand these two mini versions of their older two siblings walked happily to the salon with me. We avoided the puddles and marvelled at all the leaves that have reemerged since the snow melted away. The sun kept us warm and the conversation was a constant flow of sweetness to my ears.

Little woman, of course went first, and the stylist actually recognized her from all the trips she takes there to watch her dad and I get our hair cut (she likes the salon that much). Little Woman exclaimed with great enthusiasm that this time it was indeed her turn to ride the chair and get a fresh look. She and the stylist chatted away comfortably while I followed Baby Boy all over the place. He had lots too say and so much energy I was starting to get nervous about his turn… do two year olds ever sit well?

My girl looked like a million bucks after she was done. She told her brother how fun it is and then went to read magazines. My boy did pretty good till right near the end. Then he got feed up and tried to take the cape off. When we gave up and let him down he was mostly done and so looked pretty sharp as he stomped to the door and said ‘lets go’ in a grumpy voice. The yellow sucker she presented each of them with sweetened him up though.

It was such a nice afternoon. I love that the little things are the most exciting for kids. Too Little Woman the salon is a grand outing and to Baby Boy getting out of there was exciting enough to hoot and hooray about.


Chantal Kreviazuk

with my cities maestro and symphony orchestra!(I always enjoy dressing up for the symphony!)

I have been a fan of the symphony since a dear college pal introduced me over 11 years ago. I have been a fan of Chantal Kreviazuk probably since her third album. I enjoyed her music before then but at some point around the time of ‘what if it all means something’ coming out I realised she was more then a regular presence on the radio, she was an amazing artist. Her vocals have been such a marvel to me that she has been tops on my list of must see concerts for years. It hasn’t happened until recently, last night to be exact.

Mirelle and I went and I have to admit I really wondered if she was going to be one of those artists who looses something live or one who is so much more live. Now having a full orchestra backing an artist up can make almost any music seem epic but even when she did her own thing with just her voice and the piano you could not help but keep saying ‘wow’ under your breath. Her voice is as poetic and artistic as her lyrics and her piano playing is full of beautiful strength.

The stage pretense of a regular woman with a friendly tough side made it hard to imagine this is the same person who writes such emotional songs or that she is obviously a person deeply moved by everything around her. Perhaps she stores up all her emotion to pour out in song… likely it is so, for her songs overflow in a positive way with the way our hearts really feel in heavy circumstances… Feelings and emotion so strong that it amazes me anyone can handle taking hold of them long enough to transform, with such perfect control, into a song.

Must see live everyone! It was a lovely evening out to be sure!


Domestic Treasures at The Thrift Shop!


Some times you walk into a treasure trove when you hit the thrift shop! I found so many domestic treasures I couldn’t help but grin at the check out lady. I don’t think she got where my enthusiasm was coming from but no matter, I was thrilled with my finds!

Oh doilies! I was just talking about doilies in a post days ago and then I found two pretty little ones that match my couch colors!I love cheery blue, and they are soft… I know they are napkins but they might become handkerchiefs so I can carry them in my purse.How could I pass up a crochet apron! The work that went into this! AND it is pink! BONUS!Speaking of aprons! Found two adorable ones for my kids!Someone made this apron from tea towels!Pretty sure these where meant to be place mats. There where four of them and they where sown together by hand! I grabbed the two that weren’t stained and intend to use them in doily fashion.

This last item isn’t nearly as domestic and definitely not handmade but nevertheless it is charming. When you have a baby boy that likes to play puppy all the time you don’t pass up a little puppy hoody for only a couple dollars!

Ah the life of a thrift hunter is so often rewarding!


Ruth’s Doily

Doily- an ornamental mat, originally the name of a fabric named after a 17th century London draper. It originally meant ‘genteel, affordable woolens’. Often crocheted or knit with open work that reveals underlying objects. Although decorative they also have the purpose of protecting wood furniture from scratches caused by decorative objects place atop it.

The above doily is not the typical round crochet type. It is rectangular and only crochet on the edges. Otherwise it is most appealing and decorative because of the embroidery. This cloth not only adds a flare of tradition to my sitting room because it is an old fashioned doily but also because it was crocheted and embroidered by my great great aunt (my grandmothers aunt). I had it sitting in a box of linens for a long time, waiting for the right spot for it. The day I found it again and placed it in my sitting room I was amazed at how cheerful it is and how much it makes me think of Aunt Ruth.